What To Do If Girls Are Born And You Want A Boy

What To Do If Girls Are Born And You Want A Boy
What To Do If Girls Are Born And You Want A Boy

Many families, which already have several daughters, certainly want them to have a male heir. Impatient parents do not want to wait for favors from nature and try to do everything possible to increase the likelihood of having a boy.

What to do if girls are born and you want a boy
What to do if girls are born and you want a boy

There is a theory that sperm carrying the Y chromosomes (the chromosomes responsible for the male sex of the child) are more active than sperm with X chromosomes, however, they are less tenacious. When planning the birth of a boy, you should try to conceive him directly during ovulation or before it. To determine when you ovulate, you can either by the calendar method, or using special tests.

Another hypothesis claims that during orgasm, the woman's body produces alkali, which kills the slow "female" sperm, but the nimble sperm with the Y-chromosome have time to reach the egg. If you want a boy to be born to you, invite your husband to try hard.

The French are of the opinion that a woman needs to follow a special diet in order to give birth to a child of the desired gender. Ladies who want a boy should include meat products, eggs, fish, as many spicy and spicy dishes as possible in their diet. Fermented milk products and sweets should be temporarily abandoned.

Most mammalian communities are built on the principle: one male for several females. Normally, the number of sexual acts performed by the male is quite large. If the male does not mate often enough, he begins to produce sperm with X-chromosomes (there are not enough females - the mechanism of their reproduction starts). In the opposite situation, when there are too many females per male, on the contrary, the number of spermatozoa with Y-chromosomes will prevail. So it is with people. The more often you have sex, the more likely it is that you will have a boy.

However, the only method that can guarantee you the birth of a boy is artificial insemination in conjunction with genetic analysis. To begin with, several eggs of the mother are fertilized, and after analysis, the sex of the embryos is determined. "Unwanted" embryos are removed.
