Many parents complain about the behavior of their children. The child does not obey, is rude and fights. In general, it becomes unmanageable. First of all, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior of children.

Of course, adults do not like the constant and, as it seems to them, often unreasonable tantrums that the child "rolls". Let's figure out the reasons for such manifestations.
Aside from those cases where a child's behavior is influenced by injury or illness, child psychologists identify several reasons for child disobedience.
Parental authority
If the parents forbid the child a lot without explaining the reason why they are doing it, the baby begins to be afraid, offended and becomes dependent.
Parents contradict each other about parenting
If the mother permits the child a lot, and the father prohibits the same and vice versa. Or if one of the parents is soft in matters of upbringing, but when the child begins to misbehave, he scares him by telling the more strict one about it.
As a result of such behavior of adults, the child does not have a single picture of the world, he learns to deceive and is in tension, because he has to adapt. In such a situation, nervous breakdowns and tantrums are common.
Divorces or frequent fights
Children are very sensitive to the emotional environment in the home. Even if parents try to hide their relationship, the true state of affairs in the family will affect the child's behavior. Any nervous tension will affect the condition of the children.
As you can see, the main reasons for disobedience are in us adults. And in order for children to be calmer, obedient and delight their parents, work on positive changes must begin with oneself.