Children's whims … How familiar to all parents. Just now, a cheerful, cute child suddenly began to cry, scream, it is impossible to calm him down, he is practically uncontrollable. Why is this happening? Why is the child naughty?

Until the baby began to walk, his world was limited to a crib and playpen. Everything was safe and accessible inside this small space. But now the child stood on his feet and the boundaries of his world expanded significantly. Objects that can harm him have come into the baby's field of vision. An electrical outlet, a glass vase, cabinet doors that hide various interesting things. But you never know in the house things that are very interesting for the child, but at the same time are fraught with danger. And now the child hears the first "no". And he really wants to take, touch, knock, climb. And he starts screaming, crying, demanding to be given what he wants. Of course, it is best to prevent such a situation. Try to remove all breakable objects away, put plugs on sockets, keep cabinet doors closed. But, of course, you cannot foresee everything, and it is impossible to hide all the things in the house. In this case, you need to gently but firmly tell the child that this cannot be done, and try to switch his attention to something else. In no case do not follow the lead of your own child. If the baby realizes that he can get whatever he wants with a little shouting and roaring, it will be difficult for you to prohibit anything in the future. One of the reasons for the whims is the child's discomfort. Something may hurt him, but the crumb is not able to explain what is wrong with him. So he cries, refuses to play, eat, throws toys. If your child is capricious for no apparent reason, it is necessary to measure the temperature, carefully examine the child and, possibly, call a doctor. Caprice may occur due to overwork or excessive excitement. Often the baby is naughty in the evening when he is tired and it is time for him to sleep. This happens especially often if the day was eventful or in the evening the child played active games with other children. Try to calm the child down, give him a drink of warm water and put him to bed early. Sit nearby, stroke, sing a song. The little capricious will calm down, fall asleep, he will have a sweet dream. And in the morning you will no longer remember the whims.