Almost all children are naughty before falling asleep. It is important to find out what exactly is bothering the baby. At every age, children have different reasons for whims before going to the kingdom of Morpheus.

Possible reasons
If the baby is naughty, you, first of all, need to reconsider his daily routine and nutrition. Children who sleep too much during the day do not fall asleep well. Perhaps the baby has a tummy ache, a tooth is being cut, he is cold or, conversely, very hot.
If we are talking about an older baby, perhaps he is naughty before going to bed due to the constant quarrels of his parents. The atmosphere in the home should be supportive. Crying can also serve as a way for a child to unload emotionally if adults:
- they demand too much from him (his day is made up of constant nagging, fulfilling the orders of all relatives living with a crumb);
- on the contrary, they do not demand anything from the baby, and by crying he draws attention to himself (for example, the absence of this very attention leads to an excessive load on the baby's nervous system).
Ways to calm your baby before bed
The newborn will calm down only after you find the reason why he cannot sleep and is naughty. Examine the baby carefully, there may be any diaper rash on his body. In this case, baby powder will help. Feel your tummy. If it is swollen, massage it and give your baby the necessary medication. Often, in this case, dill water and activated carbon are excellent.
Ventilate the room, see how many degrees it is in the room, the child may be cold or hot. Calm down the baby by saying sweet words, but in no case do not get irritated. So, the child will feel your emotional state and will cry even louder.
Think about how long the baby slept during the day. At least four hours should elapse between daytime and nighttime sleep. If you try to put your baby to bed earlier, you naturally fail. Why? Because the baby simply does not want to sleep and in every possible way prevents this.
For an older child, the daily routine is also important. The baby should be laid at a strictly defined time. For example, if every day the baby goes to bed at nine o'clock in the evening, he will not be able to fall asleep an hour earlier. Or, on the contrary, the baby will never go to the kingdom of Morpheus in an hour, since he will simply be overexcited. Even if the child throws a tantrum, in no case shout at him, let alone intimidate. The main thing here is a positive attitude on your part, a smile on your face. This is the only way to calm the baby, and he, in turn, will fall asleep soundly.