Divorce, or rather the legal dissolution of marriage, is a social phenomenon and the antithesis of marriage itself. When analyzing the reasons for divorce, you need to address, first of all, the problems within the marriage. A successful analysis presupposes a correct understanding of the nature of divorce, as well as its place among other social phenomena.

On the nature of divorce as a social phenomenon
Society can influence marriage from different positions - economic, legal, ideological, etc. However, the influence on marriage will be advisable only if the general trends in the development of the family, the causes of conflicts, the value orientations of family members, etc. are known.
Divorce is often viewed as a kind of social evil. This attitude is justified, because society is interested in the stability of family relations. Thanks to strong families, a number of problems are being solved - raising children, finding a job, housing, etc. Accordingly, the general attitude of society towards divorce should be negative.
At the same time, divorce may be necessary in a number of cases when the relationship between spouses becomes sharply unfriendly. If divorce is impossible, society would have to regulate the safety and health of all family members, which is far from always possible. In addition, the conclusion of a marriage is carried out at the personal request of the spouses, and their relationship in the process of living together may undergo changes for the worse. Society is interested in calm and equal relationships within the family, since the mental and physical health of each person depends on them. And if the marriage prevents such health, its dissolution is quite logical. However, strengthening family relationships is one of the main goals of a healthy society. A healthy family allows you to raise healthy children in every sense, which in turn has a beneficial effect on all social structures.
Reasons for divorce
There are many reasons for divorce, and often they only confirm the impossibility of the continued existence of people as a family.
One of the reasons is the inability to have children. In this sense, the social assessment of divorce can hardly be negative, because society is interested in the birth and upbringing of healthy offspring.
Mental illness, long-term unknown absence, long imprisonment - these reasons also cause understanding. In any of these cases, divorce is justified, since the family does not actually exist. Such a reason for the dissolution of marriage, as "did not agree with the characters", is also relevant. She can have a lot of interpretations - starting with adultery and ending with changed interests, which made the spouses uncomfortable together. Why the family breaks up, is it possible to save the marriage, and whether it makes sense to keep it - this should be decided individually in each case. In other words, many of the reasons for divorce are in the interests of both spouses and the interests of the whole community.