Responsibility is a complex quality that includes such concepts as conscience, honesty, readiness to answer before oneself and society for the consequences of one's actions. At the age of 3-4 years, the child already realizes himself as a person and, therefore, the time has come to bring up responsibility.

Step 1
Encourage people to take initiative. Young children are very curious, they are carried away even by the work that is your daily routine. When cleaning the apartment, entrust your child to wipe the dust from the shelf, sweep the rug, water the flowers. Do not regret the time spent, be patient and then cleaning will turn into an expected game for the baby. He will be happy to help you. And do not forget to praise him, emphasizing that it is only thanks to his help that the house is so clean and comfortable. And now you have more free time for walking with your child in the park or reading fairy tales.
Step 2
Try to cultivate in the child a sense of respect not only for loved ones, but also for strangers to him. Explain how ugly disrespectful looks from the outside. The child should understand why it is forbidden to make noise when someone is sleeping, or complains of a headache. Why is it imperative to say thank you to your grandmother for the cooked breakfast. Why you need to say hello to your neighbors.
Step 3
Teach your child to appreciate things. Instead of a broken toy, do not rush to buy a new one. Say, “Honey, we don’t have the money to buy another toy. Try to be careful with your things. Gradually, the child will understand how important it is to take care of his things, first of all for him.
Step 4
An important quality is the ability to keep one's word. It is necessary to educate him, first of all, by his own example. Never promise your child the impossible. Remember that you are a role model. And if you promised him to spend the weekend together, go to the pool, buy ice cream, try to keep your word. Otherwise, in the future, you may face an unwillingness to fulfill the promised already on the part of your adult child.
Step 5
Please note that when raising such a quality as responsibility, the child should not face contradictions. One small concession can ruin months of hard work. Be persistent without being rude. Praise your child, but not excessively. Believe me, your work will bring you a sense of pride in your responsible child.