Developing a sense of responsibility in your adolescent is a very important task. Parents should instill in a child such a quality by personal example and education. It is advisable to do this from an early age, however, even at a transitional age, a sense of responsibility can be formed.

Educate from childhood
Increase responsibility gradually. It is difficult for a teenager to turn from a spoiled child into a responsible adult. Therefore, the transition should be smooth, with a gradual increase in complexity.
From early childhood, establish rules that should never be broken. It is desirable that the child grows up with this knowledge, because it is very difficult to instill in them during the transition period.
How to teach a teenager responsibility
Learn to perceive your teen as an adult. The childhood years passed when the parents took full responsibility for the baby. Until a certain age, it is the direct responsibility of adults to take care of and protect the child from problems. But it is important to know when to stop and let the teenager explore the world for himself.
Communicate with your teenager more, do not let him move away from you. Your conversations should not have a tinge of legends, you do not scold the child, but explain and discuss difficult situations in life. In this vein, communication will bring more results than educational conversations.
Give your teen freedom. Do not control every step when he goes out with friends. Don't bother with endless calls. Loosen control and show that you trust. If a child blindly follows the instructions of his parents, he will not learn independence and will not become responsible for his life.
Let your teen make mistakes and correct the consequences. This does not apply to criminal or dangerous activities. But if a student skips classes and he has to work on the missed material, in the future he will not be so frivolous.
Do not stand over your soul. Let your child handle their responsibilities on their own. No need to remind or draw up detailed instructions. If he asks, you will prompt, but give the opportunity to prove yourself. You can start with simple things, and as you age, you can complicate the assignments.
Remind your teen about the upcoming adult life. Determine for yourself at what age you will let your child go on independent swimming. Gradually prepare him for this. First, vague “Soon you will do everything yourself”, and then concretize “In 2 years you will become an adult, and you will have to provide for yourself”.
Don't give up slack. It is very difficult to look at the unsuccessful attempts of the child, thoughts may appear to give up and independently solve all his problems. But this tactic will forever make the teen dependent on you and irresponsible. If you said that the study is completely on his conscience, there is no need to solve problems or write a diploma. Only after going through this test, the child will be able to grow up and learn responsibility.