Symptoms Of Food Poisoning In A Child Under 2 Years Old

Symptoms Of Food Poisoning In A Child Under 2 Years Old
Symptoms Of Food Poisoning In A Child Under 2 Years Old

Symptoms of food poisoning in a child under 2 years of age can manifest themselves in different ways, but in general they can be divided into two groups: manifestations of the gastrointestinal tract and additional signs of poisoning.

Symptoms of food poisoning in a child under 2 years old
Symptoms of food poisoning in a child under 2 years old

Manifestations of the gastrointestinal tract

The most common symptom from this group of symptoms, which speaks of a severe malfunction of the stomach, is diarrhea. It will not work to hide this sign, since in case of poisoning, diarrhea is quite persistent and lasts more than two days. This can lead to severe dehydration of the child's body, so help should be provided as early as possible. It is especially dangerous if the diarrhea is watery and profuse, with impurities of blood and mucus and undigested food debris. It is worth noting that a symptom of this nature suggests that the poisoning is severe.

The same can be said about a symptom such as vomiting and nausea that precedes it. This symptom also leads to dehydration of the body. In a severe case, the child can vomit fifteen times a day.

Symptoms in this group also include viscous saliva, gas, bloating, rumbling, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. A small child, unable to describe the pain in words, can simply raise his legs to his stomach and try to find a more comfortable position that helps relieve the condition.

It is important to understand that food poisoning has different variations, each of which can manifest itself in its own way. For example, foodborne infections caused by staphylococci or Escherichia coli appear within an hour after eating. If we take into account the manifestation of the gastrointestinal tract, at first there is repeated vomiting, then cramping abdominal pain, flatulence and frequent loose stools. If the child has consumed poisonous berries, the clinical picture will not always manifest itself with the above symptoms, of which only indomitable vomiting can be observed.

Additional signs of poisoning

Food poisoning often manifests itself not only in the form of gastrointestinal tract damage. It can have general infectious signs and signs of microbial intoxication.

General infectious symptoms include fever and a specific rash. The temperature can be above 37.5 ° C.

Signs of microbial intoxication - lethargy and moodiness of the child, fatigue, sleep problems, dry lips and mucous mouth membranes, tongue coated with a bloom. In addition, due to diarrhea or frequent vomiting, the child loses weight, the skin becomes flabby, and the eyes sink.

Again, a lot depends on the specific type of food poisoning. If you recall poisoning with poisonous berries, the clinical picture is more related to the central nervous system, which manifests itself in severe headache, disorientation and consciousness, increased heart rate and respiration, and decreased blood pressure. Kidney and liver damage can also occur. If the poisoning is caused by intestinal infections, the symptoms will depend on the specific pathogen.
