How To Feed A One-year-old Child: From Dairy To Complete Food

How To Feed A One-year-old Child: From Dairy To Complete Food
How To Feed A One-year-old Child: From Dairy To Complete Food

Reasonable nutrition and effective parenting of a growing child are inextricably linked. From an early age, children acquire a well-developed sense of taste for food: some dishes are absorbed with genuine appetite, others with disgust, while various habits are formed simultaneously with character.

How to feed a one year old baby
How to feed a one year old baby

When parents care enough about the planned and healthy nutrition of the child and direct their habits and tastes in the right way, this helps the correct formation of character and the body as a whole. Usually, the regime, variety and compliance of nutrition is adjusted up to a year of life, otherwise, over time, the task may become more complicated and overgrown with accompanying problems. By the beginning of the second year, the child should already eat quite diversely, both in taste and in smell, color and density of food. Gradually, new dishes are introduced into the diet, denser ones, which require chewing, even with unformed children's teeth.

It often happens that a child does not want to perceive food that is new to him, having got used to liquid milk porridge and mother's breast milk, rejects harder or thicker food that needs to be chewed. Some of the parents are frightened by such refusals, and they seriously think about the health problems that prevent the baby from swallowing. Another type of parents makes concessions and chooses only the food that their child likes, simultaneously flavoring the feeding with fun and fairy tales. All this only strengthens the habits and subsequently has a bad effect on the health of the child.

How can malnutrition harm?

First of all, digestion is disturbed, constipation, convulsions appear, anemia develops. However, these effects are not immediately apparent, but over time, during which children can look healthy and gain weight.

Sometimes parents, after being convinced of the futility of persuasion, look for a way out in psychological pressure on the child - these are threats, punishments and even the use of force. Such methods of exposure are unacceptable, they can aggravate the situation and, soon, develop a number of diseases of the nervous and digestive systems.

Essential substances should be present in the daily diet of children in the required quantity, quality and proportion. And only if the nutritional balance is maintained, the food will bring the child satiety and begin to be fully absorbed by the body, which will certainly direct all its forces to the growth and healthy functioning of the organs of the growing baby.
