One of the most unforgettable sensations during pregnancy is the first movement of the baby. But it is very important to know what it means, as well as to understand those studies that can confirm that the baby is healthy.

The importance of controlling fetal movements
It's important to remember the day you first felt your baby's tummy move. The doctor will definitely ask you about this, and then, based on this parameter, he will calculate the estimated date of birth. If the pregnancy is the first, 20 weeks are added to the date. When a woman bears a second, third child, the term increases by 14 days.
By the way the fetus moves, you can determine its position. Where you feel the most energetic movements are the limbs of the child. If the activity is closer to the diaphragm, the baby lies with its head down.
It's important to keep track of how your child is moving. If his condition is disturbed, the movements will be strong and erratic. One of the reasons for this activity may be an increased content of carbon dioxide in your blood. Decrease or inactivity of the child can be a sign of hypoxia, when the fetus lacks oxygen and nutrients.
Filling out the fetal movement test
The fetal movement test is practiced only by some gynecologists, because sometimes it is easier to do an ultrasound scan or cardiotocography for the expectant mother. But filling out a movement diary is pretty simple. This does not affect the baby in any way, and if any deviations arise, the expectant mother will immediately notice it.
This test was developed by George Pearson, physician at St. George's Hospital. It is recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is indicated in the official documents of pregnancy management. It can be used by any pregnant woman from the 28th week of pregnancy.
In order to keep a movement diary, you will need a special table, which you can draw yourself, or take from a gynecologist. On the vertical left, the time is written from 9:00 to 21:00, at intervals of half an hour. The number of the week of pregnancy is marked horizontally at the top.
This table is filled in as follows. The mother-to-be counts the baby's tremors starting at nine in the morning. Any movement, even the weakest, counts. When she counts ten movements, she makes a note in the table, based on the time of the last. And then, until the end of the day, the activity of the fetus can no longer be tracked.
If the baby moves in episodes, they are counted as a single push. For example, when a child pushes and then immediately rolls over, counts as one point.
As a rule, women count ten perturbations by lunchtime. A minimum of three movements per hour is considered the norm. Do not sound the alarm if the baby is very active, and the required number of tremors will be counted in an hour. The lack of movement should be a cause for concern.