The development of the fetus is conventionally divided into 2 periods. The first of them - embryonic - lasts from the moment of conception and up to the 8th week of pregnancy, inclusive. The second - fetal period - begins after the 8th week and ends with the birth of a child. It is at this time that the fetus becomes more human-like and exhibits violent activity. The embryo begins to move, thereby declaring its existence.

Step 1
This does not mean that the baby is completely immobilized until the 9th week of maturation. At the 7th week, the embryo, which looks more like a tadpole than a person, begins to move. However, this happens unnoticed for the expectant mother. The embryo floating in the amniotic fluid during this period is so small that it almost does not reach the walls of the uterus, which is why its movements during this period are not perceived.
Step 2
Somewhere from the 9th week, the grown fetus, at times bumping into the walls of the uterus, changes position. However, these movements occur almost imperceptibly. The 16th week endows the unborn baby with sound sensations. He can hear speech, music, recognizes the mother's voice. During this period, pregnant women are advised to listen to good classical tunes.
Step 3
At the 18th week, the grasping reflex begins to develop in the fetus. In addition, he begins to react to extraneous stimuli. Hearing an unpleasant sharp sound, the fetus may recoil. When the mother strokes her belly, the baby will try to snuggle against the wall of the uterus, trying to be closer. Starting from the 19th week, the pregnant woman is already able to sense the baby's movements. If the pregnancy is not the first, then this may happen earlier.
Step 4
Mothers who have experience carrying a child already know how this happens. They notice familiar sensations much earlier and from the 14th week they can observe the movements of the embryo. The sensitivity of movements and the physical condition of the body of a pregnant woman are interrelated.
Step 5
Being overweight can weaken your sensations. Slender women are more sensitive and perceive fetal movements earlier than obese women. In active mothers, recognition of embryo movement is weakened. Those who are just learning the joys of motherhood have a vague idea of what to expect.
Step 6
Those who have already experienced these feelings equate the sensations of movement with shocks from within. According to others, there is a trembling in the abdomen or slight flutter. Usually, the fetus is active in the evening or at night.