Very often, a long-awaited pregnancy is accompanied by the appearance of various problems related to the health of the mother and the unborn child. A fairly common pathology is fetal hypoxia.

By itself, the term "hypoxia" represents a lack of oxygen. That is, fetal hypoxia is a consequence of oxygen starvation of the child in the womb. Deficiency of vital gas leads to various changes that negatively affect the development of the fetus. If measures are not taken in time, irreversible consequences occur.
Hypoxia can occur both in early pregnancy and at the time of childbirth. The danger of a lack of oxygen at the beginning of the term can lead to serious disorders, since at this stage the laying and formation of the main systems and organs of the child takes place. The appearance of pathology at a later stage has a negative impact on the central nervous system and physical development. As a result, physical and mental abnormalities arise, the process of adaptation of the newborn slows down, etc.
After birth, such a baby has a violation of appetite, sleep, hypertonicity of muscle tissues, therefore, constant monitoring by a specialist in the field of neurology is necessary.
What leads to the appearance of hypoxia? Oxygen takes part in many metabolic processes and is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It should be noted that it is transported by hemoglobin, for the production of which iron is required. With iron deficiency or anemia, the amount of oxygen supplied is significantly reduced. This is one reason. The second reason is the deterioration of uteroplacental metabolism, which leads to impaired nutrition of the fetus. The most common negative factors are smoking and drinking. Tobacco smoke is able to penetrate the placenta to the embryo and cause asthma attacks.
The following diseases can also provoke the development of fetal hypoxia:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- iron deficiency;
- respiratory tract diseases;
- strong nervous shocks;
- polyhydramnios;
- multiple pregnancy;
- pathology of the placenta and umbilical cord;
- overburdening;
- gestosis;
- intrauterine infections;
- congenital defects;
- abnormalities of labor and others.
As a rule, experienced doctors are reinsured and, if there is a possible danger, they put a pregnant woman under special control. If there is a suspicion of fetal hypoxia, hospitalization is recommended for a complete examination of the body and ensuring rest. In this state, you cannot visit a hot bath or sauna. Further treatment can be carried out at home with regular visits to the clinic. In the absence of positive dynamics in the third trimester, it is advisable to carry out a cesarean section, which increases the chances of having a normal baby.
Such a decision is made for a period of at least 28 weeks, since by this time the baby's body is fully formed.
To prevent the appearance of hypoxia, a woman should lead a healthy lifestyle before planning pregnancy, while carrying a fetus and during breastfeeding. A prerequisite is quitting smoking and alcohol. Also useful are regular walks in the fresh air, good rest, balanced nutrition, which enriches the body with vitamins and useful microelements.