Fetal hypoxia is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus, associated with diseases of the mother, disorders of the uteroplacental or umbilical cord blood flow, and diseases of the child. Diagnosis of hypoxia is based on a direct assessment of the condition of the fetus and analysis of the results of indirect methods.

It is necessary
- - observation of fetal movements;
- - listening to the heartbeat with a stethoscope;
- - cardiotocography;
- - dopplerometry;
- - amnioscopy.
Step 1
If you notice changes in fetal movement, this could be a sign of hypoxia. In the initial stage, you may find the child's restless behavior, expressed in the frequency and intensification of his movements. With an acute lack of oxygen and an increase in hypoxia, fetal movements begin to weaken.
Step 2
Be sure to tell your doctor about changes in movement. With the help of a stethoscope, he will listen to the fetal heartbeat, assess the heart rate, rhythm, and the presence of noise. But such a method will be able to reveal only gross changes that often occur during acute hypoxia. The doctor may also suspect chronic hypoxia for indirect signs, such as a decrease in the height of the fundus of the uterus, associated with fetal growth retardation, and oligohydramnios.
Step 3
If you suspect hypoxia, you will be given cardiotocography (CTG). This study is successfully carried out in an outpatient setting. With the help of elastic straps, an ultrasonic sensor is attached to the pregnant woman's abdomen, which is fixed in place of listening to the fetal heartbeat. The frequency of increased and decreased heart rate is of diagnostic value. If the increase in heart rate is a response to the movement of the fetus or uterine contractions (at least 5 in 30 minutes), then we can talk about the successful state of the fetus. For this, within the framework of CTG, a non-stress test is performed, the essence of which is the appearance of an increase in heart rate in response to the movements of the child or contraction of the uterus. If the fetus does not give any reaction, this suggests hypoxia.
Step 4
With the help of dopplerometry, a study of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, umbilical cord and fetus is carried out. In the presence of circulatory disorders, it is possible to assess the severity of hypoxia and take measures for the further successful course of pregnancy. The first study is recommended at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, since, starting from this period, pathological disorders of blood flow are possible.
Step 5
In order to diagnose hypoxia in a child, deficiencies are assessed, evidenced by the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid - fetal feces. Its ingress into water is associated with impaired blood circulation in the intestine due to hypoxia. The sphincter of the fetal rectum relaxes and meconium enters the amniotic fluid. With the help of amnioscopy, an optical examination is performed through the cervical canal of the amniotic fluid. This method is often used just before childbirth.