Movement is the first critical indicator of fetal life. The expectant mother notices these manifestations for the first time when the child is still in the womb. The first movement of a baby is one of the most incredible sensations. A feeling that a woman will remember throughout her future life with special tenderness. When and how does the first fetal movement take place?

Step 1
The embryo makes its first movements at the 7th week of pregnancy. But at this stage it is still too small. In addition, it swims freely in the amniotic fluid and practically does not come into contact with the walls of the uterus. This explains why a woman begins to notice movements in the womb for the first time a few weeks later.
Step 2
From the 9th week, the baby may well swallow a small amount of amniotic fluid, which in itself is a rather complex motor process.
Step 3
Already from 10 weeks of pregnancy, the baby can accidentally bump into the uterine wall and independently change the trajectory of movement. These are the first reactions to obstacles and the first motor lessons. But for the mother, all these manifestations of fetal activity go unnoticed.
Step 4
At 16 weeks, a fetal reaction to sounds is possible. Already at this stage, the baby learns to recognize the mother's voice and respond to changes in his intonation.
Step 5
With the onset of 18 weeks of intrauterine development, the baby learns to squeeze and unclench the fingers, touches his own face, covers it with his hands if he hears unpleasant sounds. In addition, he gropes for the umbilical cord and feels it from time to time. By this time, he has already formed the perception of specific sensations, now he is learning to react with movement to various kinds of stimuli. For example, a baby swallows more amniotic fluid, if it is sweetish, it can recoil from a source of unpleasant sound or a jet of cold water. When mom touches her stomach with her hand, the fetus tries to snuggle up to her as closely as possible and freezes at the sound of dad's low voice.
Step 6
Perceptible movements for a woman occur at about 19-21 weeks of pregnancy. In fact, this date is very approximate, because each woman is arranged in a special way, not only in terms of susceptibility, but also in the physiological sense of the word. The first movements can be noticed by the expectant mother at week 14 and at 25, all individually.
A woman expecting her first child, of course, has no idea what sensations to expect from his movements. Each one describes her feelings and impressions in her own way. Someone compares it with a tremor or a kind of trembling inside, others - with kicks or jolts. Again, it all depends on at what stage of pregnancy the first manifestations of the baby became noticeable. In earlier periods, these are barely noticeable impulses. In the later ones, these are already fairly confident kicks or jolts. Some women do not pay attention to the first movements of the embryo, mistaking them for the natural processes of gas formation or the calls of a hungry womb.
Step 7
By week 24, you will definitely be able to share your feelings with loved ones. By this time, the fetus becomes so active that you can not only feel it by touching the stomach, but also see how the stomach is shaking. These are the most wonderful experiences you can get during pregnancy. Having experienced them once, you will never be able to forget about them.