On Which Line Of Pregnancy You Can First Feel Fetal Movements

On Which Line Of Pregnancy You Can First Feel Fetal Movements
On Which Line Of Pregnancy You Can First Feel Fetal Movements

Pregnant women eagerly await when the baby starts to move inside. The first movements of the child can evoke different associations - they can resemble tickling, stroking, ordinary pushes. As for the timing of the occurrence of perturbations, they may be different.

On which line of pregnancy you can first feel fetal movements
On which line of pregnancy you can first feel fetal movements

For most mothers, the moment when they first feel the movement of their unborn child inside, is one of the most emotional and touching moments of their entire pregnancy. This happens in the second trimester of pregnancy, when a woman is already getting used to her new condition and is looking forward to getting to know the baby. The first movements of the fetus are an exciting and mysterious moment that no one else can experience except the mother of the baby.

When the baby starts to move inside

The fetus begins to move at the eighth or ninth week. But so far it is so small that you cannot feel its movements. The movements of the child at the seventeenth week are clearly distinguishable, mothers who are not pregnant for the first time can feel it. Women who are pregnant for the first time begin to feel fetal movements when pregnancy is 20-22 weeks. Skinny moms usually begin to feel movements inside earlier than full ones.

During the second and subsequent pregnancies, mothers begin to feel the movements of the fetus earlier because the muscles of the uterus are already well prepared for this, and the woman is familiar with this sensation. During the first pregnancy, sometimes and for a long time, mothers do not always feel the child. If this bothers you, seek the advice of your doctor who is managing the pregnancy. With its general good course, you should not worry - when the child's movements become distinct and regular, the mother will definitely feel them.

What to do if the baby's movements are not felt during normal pregnancy

Try to listen to your condition more attentively. If you are more than 20 weeks pregnant, lie on your back for about half an hour in the evening, while trying to listen to your own body. The kid has already grown up enough at this time, and it is not very convenient for him when his mother is lying on her back. In most cases, it makes itself felt with sharp jerks or active movement.

At about 24 weeks, the baby's movements become so distinct that they can be felt not only by the mother, but also by all relatives who wish.

As the pregnancy progresses, the baby increases in strength and intensity of movement. 20 weeks of pregnancy - on average, the fetus makes 200 movements per day, with a period of 28-32 weeks, their number can reach 600. Before the very birth, the baby has grown up enough, and he has little room for movement. The number of movements may decrease, but they are just as strong.
