Thanks to ultrasound studies, pregnant women can see the first movements of their children long before they begin to feel them. The first movements can be so weak that sometimes they remain unrecognized.

Step 1
The fetus begins to make its first movements already at the 8th week of pregnancy. At first, he only slightly turns his neck from side to side, but literally after 10 days the embryo moves his hands, and between 10 and 12 weeks he learns to open his mouth and takes the first sip of amniotic fluid. All these movements so far are reflexive and contribute to the development of growing muscles and the establishment of connections between the cells of the nervous system. Often, the expectant mother does not even suspect what an active life the baby lives inside her.
Step 2
Most women feel the first shock from the inside around 18 weeks. This can happen 2-3 weeks earlier or later. It all depends on the place of attachment of the placenta and many other factors. In the first pregnancy, you have to wait a little longer than in subsequent pregnancies.
Step 3
Most often, the first movements of the baby in the womb are described as tickling the wings of a butterfly or the splashing of a fish in an aquarium. Some, however, simply do not notice anything, and the activity in the abdomen is attributed to the movement of gases in the intestines.
Step 4
To feel the first movements of the child, you need to wait for the appropriate period. Some women swear that they felt their baby at 12 or even 10 weeks, but doctors believe that under the most favorable circumstances, this cannot happen before 16 weeks. But after the onset of 4 months, you can start listening to yourself.
Step 5
The first tremors can resemble a tickling or light touch and can be easily confused with bowel movements. The most important distinguishing feature is that they always appear in the same place in the lower abdomen. If you put a hand on the stomach, movements may be felt more clearly. Some people generally feel them at first only when the stomach is pressed against tight trousers or a seat belt in the car.
Step 6
As for the time of day, babies are most active in the morning after breakfast or in the evening before going to bed. Sometimes pregnant women are advised to eat a chocolate bar or candy. Under the influence of carbohydrates entering the blood, the baby becomes more active.
Step 7
If for several days you experience the above symptoms, then you can be sure - this is "it". And in a week or two, your baby will become so strong that you will no longer doubt and will not confuse his tremors with anything.