There is a certain psychology in how to make a man run after you, to evoke in him a feeling of love and affection for his soul mate. To do this, a woman should master several tricks that are useful in everyday life.

Step 1
An effective way to get a man to run after you is to constantly improve your flirting skills and apply them in suitable situations. A woman should be able to properly “teach” herself. Some representatives of the fair sex believe that they already have everything they need with them and are just waiting for the man of their dreams to meet on the way. As a result, they are only disappointed with themselves and their lives. Correct this mistake and work on yourself: when you notice an attractive man, try to be sure to give him some sign (wink, smile, modestly look away, etc., and if necessary, come up under any pretext yourself) so that he wants to meet and get to know you better.
Step 2
Nowadays it is often not enough for men for a woman to be beautiful and sociable. They often pay attention to her inner world, to how she differs from hundreds of other applicants for the role of the second half. Decisive and purposeful girls who are actively involved in sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, love outdoor activities and at the same time know how to make a living on their own, have their own hobbies and hobbies are in fashion. The ability to "spin" in life will certainly help make a man run after you as soon as he "gets into the net."
Step 3
Even the strongest and most independent girl should have a lot of romance and the ability to give a man love and care. If a gentleman is caring for you, do not be capricious and callous: show him that you are fascinated by such attention. Use touches, hugs, light kisses, and compliments. The man himself will be fascinated by your attitude towards him and will definitely want to continue the relationship.
Step 4
According to psychology, a little veil of secrecy can make a man run after a woman. Try not to tell everything about yourself and your life at the first meetings and leave the "most delicious" for later. When a man begins to think that he already knows everything that is possible about you, surprise him by demonstrating one of his skills or talking about one of his hobbies, life beliefs, etc. This will definitely make him admire you even more and will not let his interest in your person fade away.
Step 5
Make the man run after you, retaining all the most important features of a real woman. Try not to be too jealous, do not scandal for no reason and do not be overly strict with a man. Know how to be understanding, affectionate, moderately funny and, of course, loving and loyal, always ready to support your man and help him in any business.