How To Properly Introduce Complementary Foods To Your Baby

How To Properly Introduce Complementary Foods To Your Baby
How To Properly Introduce Complementary Foods To Your Baby

Until the 5th month, breast milk fully satisfies the baby's nutritional needs. However, it is good if you start giving him fruit and vegetable juices from the 2nd month, from which the child's body receives additional vitamins and salts.

How to properly introduce complementary foods to your baby
How to properly introduce complementary foods to your baby

The first time, give him just a spoonful of juice - after feeding, the second time - two spoons, gradually increasing this amount to 1/4 cup.

Of course, you need to be very careful when doing this, because different organisms perceive the same food differently. If you notice that your baby's stool is becoming sparse or vomiting, stop giving the juice for a few days. Children who are prone to constipation can get more juice.

In the 5th month, you can increase the portion of juice to half a glass, giving it 2-3 times a day after feedings or in between feedings. Juices can be made from carrots, cherries, lemons, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, lettuce, etc.

In winter, a child can be given fish oil as early as 3 months of age. First, one drop is given in a spoonful of expressed milk. Gradually increase to half a teaspoon and finally bring it to 1-2 teaspoons per day. But we should not forget that fish oil is contraindicated for children who often suffer from gastrointestinal upset.

Starting from the 5th month, it is good for the child to give a 5% porridge made from toasted flour or semolina or vegetable puree. This food contains many substances necessary for the growth of the body - proteins, mineral salts, calcium, phosphorus and especially iron, the supply of which in the child's liver is depleted by this time. Feed your baby 5 times a day every 3.5 hours.

Feeding with semolina or flour porridge should also be done gradually - starting with 1-2 spoons before breastfeeding. Increase this amount so that by the end of the week it can replace one whole breastfeeding. Children accept porridge better than mashed potatoes; but there are children, for example rickety ones, for whom it is more useful to start complementary foods directly with vegetable puree. They start feeding at a time when the child is completely healthy. It is not recommended to start complementary feeding in summer.

When the child gets used to the 5% porridge, start giving him 10%, which is much more nutritious. From the 5th month, you can also give your baby fruit and milk jelly. In addition to milk, porridge can be cooked in vegetable broth, adding kefir to it.

We recommend that you give your child vegetable puree for lunch by the end of the 6th month, leaving the porridge for the afternoon. At the same time, add half the yolk, well-cooked and mashed, to the porridge twice a week.

By the end of the 7th month, it is useful to replace morning breastfeeding with rusks soaked in sweet boiling water with the addition of crumbled cheese and butter. For lunch, before the vegetable puree, give your child 30-50 grams of meat or vegetable broth. You can add a little rice or semolina to the broth - you should not put anything else in it.
