Loving Blindly - How Is It?

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Loving Blindly - How Is It?
Loving Blindly - How Is It?

Video: Loving Blindly - How Is It?

Video: Loving Blindly - How Is It?
Video: Jack White — "Love Is Blindness" — The Great Gatsby Soundtrack (Official Version) 2024, October

To love blindly means to experience this feeling in spite of everything. There are a great many examples of such love, it can be observed between parents and children, a man and a woman, relatives and even friends.

Loving blindly - how is it?
Loving blindly - how is it?

Blind love: examples of its manifestation, the right to exist

Blind love is a feeling that lives in spite of everything. The object of love can have many different flaws, vices, etc., but still someone has a strong feeling for him. For example, a wife greatly loves her drunken husband, and continues to live with him, despite any arguments and persuasions of close people and friends. She closes her eyes to all his flaws, does not see or prefers not to notice them. There can be as many examples as you like: a husband blindly loves his wife who is cheating on him, a mother loves a criminal son, a daughter greatly loves a father who left his family long ago, etc.

Why is there blind love? Probably because the people who experience it love unconditionally, initially without making any demands on the object of their feeling, without setting conditions for it. Perhaps someone will think that blind love is somehow flawed: for example, how can you love a notorious villain? That the person experiencing it has low self-esteem and cannot find a more worthy match for himself - in the case of blind love between a man and a woman. But no one has the right to judge this feeling: any love, whatever it may be - unrequited, unhappy, blind, has a right to exist. Why? Because it is in itself a wonderful divine feeling. Remember the lines of the Spanish poet Lope de Vega: "You cannot offend with love."

Negative and positive aspects of blind love

But sometimes blind love can really affect not the best way on the object of a given feeling. For example, parents blindly love their only child, from childhood they tell him that he is the best, protect him from problems and worries with all his might, justify all his misdeeds. What kind of person will their son or daughter grow up to be? Will he be able to build normal relationships with other people in the future? It is very likely that he will not be able to, since childhood, becoming a victim of blind parental love. Such a child, most likely, will grow up to be an egoist, guided by the idea that everyone owes him something and owes something.

Blind love is sacrificial - the person experiencing it often realizes that the one at whom it is directed cannot or is not able to give a reciprocal feeling of the same strength. Therefore, you have to come to terms with what is. Blind love can also be called an unrequited feeling experienced, despite the lack of mutual interest.

But blind love can also work miracles. For example, a person stumbled, ended up in prison, spent several years in it, realized everything and decided to start a new life. Having freed himself, he was able to do this, largely due to the fact that a loving wife awaited and waited for him. He was able to return to normal life precisely because someone believed in him, even when everyone turned away - friends, acquaintances, relatives. Love covers everything, said the holy fathers, and this is really so.

So, is it worth it, while experiencing blind love, to maintain, maintain this feeling? Or is it better to try to get rid of it? It all depends on the specific situation. If you feel that your love is able to save a person, inspiring him and making him better - love! If you're worried that your feeling might hurt, think about how to find the right way out. Perhaps you should reconsider your attitude towards this person and give him freedom - especially if your love is clearly weighing on him.
