What To Do If The Husband Does Not Want A Wife

What To Do If The Husband Does Not Want A Wife
What To Do If The Husband Does Not Want A Wife

Over time, a crisis can occur in family relationships. In such cases, the visit of a husband and wife to a psychologist can become a connecting thread that will prevent these two from flying in different directions. But even a highly qualified specialist often finds it very difficult to understand family relationships. But only after understanding the true reason due to which the couple had disagreements and misunderstandings, you can try to solve these problems.

What to do if the husband does not want a wife
What to do if the husband does not want a wife

So why are family relationships falling apart?

There can be many reasons for breaking up a relationship, here are some of them:

Love has passed, the relationship is at an impasse. Husband and wife are very cold towards each other. They are more happy when their spouse is not around, and they are very annoyed with each other, being together.

There are no common aspirations. Each of the spouses lives their own separate life, their hobbies and interests, they are not interested in the thoughts, dreams and life in general of their partner. They have no common aspirations, goals and ideas. The spouses do not live as one in a merger, but rather, as if they are being forced to do so. Or just out of habit.

The spouses absolutely do not understand each other. Different people can have their own point of view. But, as they say, "you need to be so similar to understand each other, and at the same time be different in order to love each other." But not understanding your spouse's opinion and not respecting him are two different things.

Distrust of a spouse. Jealousy is not always a lack of trust in a partner, it may just be unwillingness to lose him. But excessive jealousy can turn into an obsession, with the result that it can turn the lives of both spouses into hell.

Incompatibility in bed. This is one of the most common problems for which married couples break up. Sexual incompatibility often causes resentment among partners, which grows into anger, which greatly violates mutual understanding between spouses. Also, due to sexual incompatibility, one of the partners goes to the side, which the other can hardly forgive.

Often married couples faced with intimate problems do not know how to behave in this situation, how to talk about it. And often in such cases, partners become self-contained. Women perceive such problems more deeply. Feeling coldness on the part of their husband, as a rule, they become very nervous and irritable. As a result, relationship problems only get worse.

So what can you do if the husband no longer wants his wife?

First, you need to calm down in order to calmly try to determine the root of the problem. It is worth trying to become calmer, talk to your husband in a soft tone, not to sarcastically and not to scream. Listen to your beloved man, try to understand him.

Try to listen and understand even the smallest things - for example, that today the car was filled with bad gasoline and it twitched all the way, etc.

You should not delay solving the problem, because the longer this situation lasts, the more difficult it will be to get out of it. The longer you withdraw into yourself, the more difficult it will then be to meet each other halfway.

Don't be afraid to talk to your husband, because men tend to be even more afraid to start a delicate conversation, although they try very hard to hide it.

Learn not only to listen, but also to hear. Try to remove your inner barrier and do not take every word of your husband with hostility. Try to put yourself in his place, look at the situation through his eyes. This way you can be objective and balanced.

Do not hesitate to talk directly and frankly with your husband, tell him about your thoughts and desires. After all, from fatigue and eternal employment, he can simply get tired and forget that you need his attention. And this does not mean at all that you are no longer loved. This means that the person is simply bogged down in work and he is very tired. Try to relax your spouse. You can cook dinner and sit alone, talk calmly. And before going to bed, it will be useful to give your loved one a relaxing massage.

Remember how happy you were together, and do not be afraid, because you are not strangers to each other.

There are no simple relationships, there are always difficulties in something. But imagine what is the chance that out of millions of people on earth you accidentally met each other and wanted to be together? There are no accidents, which means that you have to be together and it is worth fighting for!

Try to be more tolerant of your husband, listen to him and pay attention to him. Treat him with tenderness and understanding. And believe me, it will be like an echo to which your husband will definitely respond. Let it not be immediately, be patient, because all the best comes to the one who knows how to wait!
