The relationship between a man and a woman has several semantic components, including biological, social, psychological. Which of them dominates in certain respects depends on the specific pair of people.

To be and remain a Muse
Women have been very unlucky in history - from the creation of the rib of Adam to the 20th century. There was a time when they were considered "the devil's seed", burned at the stake, but still sang in the lines of fiery poems and the sounds of music. So the first meaning of the relationship between a man and a woman, more precisely, the purpose of a woman in a man's destiny is to be an inspiration, a Muse, a symbol. The Beautiful Lady, in fact, may turn out to be an ordinary harlot, but who cares? But as it is written in verse! But what wonderful sounds! In a word, the favorite idea of romantics triumphs again - art above life. People die, but it remains.
Substitute your shoulder
People need each other. It is not so important a man or a woman. Alliances, partnerships in business or politics - these are the areas where the interests of women and men temporarily overlap. Only up to a certain point, someday one of the parties does not grow out of this short-lived union and decides to go further on its own, even if at its own peril and risk.
Sexual satisfaction
The sexual instinct of the stronger sex is sometimes so strong that it suppresses even the instinct of self-preservation. Like males of various types of animals (for example, praying mantises, in the process of copulation of which the female bites off the head), for the sake of possession of a woman, a man is often ready to sacrifice a lot - health, money, and even life. This instinct is constantly manifested in behavior, from which it can be concluded that sexual mastery is one of the meanings of a relationship.
Experience and youth
If we are talking about uneven-aged marriages or relationships, when a man is obviously older, and next to him is a fragile, sophisticated girl, they can give each other a lot besides sex. She will gradually bloom like a bud, enrich her erudition, broaden her horizons, look at the world more broadly, learn to look deep into things.
Harmony of a whole
For many people, the concept of "soul mate" is not an empty phrase. For them, it is paramount to find their other half in life, a person who understands perfectly, tuned in to the same wavelength. In the absence of such a close spiritually partner, they feel inferiority and global loneliness.
And still a family
Finally, God did not create man and woman for friendship. The creation of a family, the desire to continue in children - this is the most important meaning of the relationship between a man and a woman.