Surely, in the box, most women have jewelry with natural stones, and many do not think about the magical power of these products. This is very reckless. Although, at first glance, stones seem cold and silent, they can have a certain effect on a person.

Ancestral experience
Many centuries ago, people paid attention to the extraordinary properties of natural stones. They believed that each stone has a living energy that contributes to the fulfillment of desires, protection from troubles and evil forces, protection from envy and other troubles. In addition, they believed that the stone is capable of having a great influence on the fate of a person. It was believed that stolen stones have negative properties, and purchased ones have positive ones. Over the years, jewelry with stones became talismans, they were given and passed on by inheritance. Nevertheless, it was forbidden to give someone their talismans for use, even for a while.
Also, stones were widely used for treatment. For example, in Mesopotamia, healers treated with hot stones placed in a certain way on the human body. In general, the energetic and healing properties of natural minerals were actively used by the Romans, Japanese monks and American Indians.
Currently, scientists adhering to the energy-informational approach believe that adverse external influences, like most internal disease-causing processes that negatively affect the human body, mind and consciousness, can be neutralized using the fields of crystals and metals. Coming into contact with a stone, the energy emitted by it causes certain vibrations in the cells and tissues of the human body. There is a continuous energy exchange. What it will be depends on the energy structure of the natural stone, which is different in each case.
The magical properties of some stones
The study of the interaction of natural stones and people is the science of astromineralogy. So, scientists managed to find out the following interesting facts:
- diamonds symbolize strong and eternal love. It is no coincidence that they are often used in the manufacture of wedding rings;
- sapphire, like a diamond, is a symbol of loyalty;
- rubies symbolize passion, strength and vitality. He is often chosen by brave people who are not afraid to challenge fate;
- the emerald bestows fertility and hope on its owner;
- topaz contributes to the sharpening of intuition and helps to banish lies from the life of its owner;
- turquoise is designed to protect its owner from the intrigues of enemies, negative energy and evil forces;
- aquamarine symbolizes peace and tranquility. Engagement rings with this stone will help maintain harmony in the house and strengthen this union.