Is It Worth Giving Meaning To Dreams

Is It Worth Giving Meaning To Dreams
Is It Worth Giving Meaning To Dreams

The belief that it is possible to predict the future from dreams was not born out of nowhere. Comparing dreams and real life events, many people notice a certain connection between them. A competent analysis of their dreams can allow a person to avoid many troubles.

Is it worth giving meaning to dreams
Is it worth giving meaning to dreams

Most scientists consider dreams to be nothing more than the processing of the information accumulated during the day by the human brain. At the same time, alternative researchers believe that dreams are much more. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. It cannot be denied that the events of the day directly affect the content of dreams. But dreams can also directly affect the events of the following days.

Prophetic dreams

Many people have seen prophetic dreams at least once in their lives, which very accurately predicted certain events. Someone will say that this is nothing more than a coincidence, and in some ways he will be right - sometimes coincidences do take place. However, in many cases, dreams actually predict the future, anyone can be convinced of this. Moreover, dreams not only predict future events, but also actively program them. And this is the point to which you should pay special attention.

Prophetic dreams are characterized by the fact that they very clearly show a certain situation, even allegorically. For example, a person sees in a dream a distant relative or acquaintance whom he has not remembered for many months, if not years. The situation in which he sees him is somewhat unpleasant. In the afternoon, he is informed that this man has died. The probability of a coincidence here is too small, such a dream is really prophetic.

It is important to understand that prophetic dreams do not just predict something - they show a situation that has already occurred on the subtle plane. Very soon, this situation will manifest itself in ordinary reality. It is very difficult to change it, and in many cases it is impossible; only a magician who knows how to work with subtle plans can do it.

Is it worth believing dream books

In dreams, information often appears in an allegorical form. For example, you saw in a dream a man who fell from a roof. Does this mean that in reality he is in danger? Not necessarily, since a fall from a height may mean the loss of some official position, authority, etc. In this case, the information is encoded in a certain way and requires decryption.

Dream books are most often used to interpret dreams. But in practice, they rarely turn out to be useful, since each person has his own, peculiar only to him, a system of coding dreams. There are certain points that are similar for different people, but there are still more differences. To learn how to interpret your dreams, you need to keep a dream diary. In a diary, you write down dreams in the morning, and in the evening - the events of the day and look for relationships between them. After a few years of such work, you will be able to identify certain patterns that are very likely to tell you what to fear during the day, what to look for, etc. There are not so many such templates, several dozen. But they work very well.

Thus, dreams can be trusted - but only if you have learned to decipher them correctly. That, as mentioned above, requires a fairly long methodical work.
