Is It Worth Giving Birth From A Married Man

Is It Worth Giving Birth From A Married Man
Is It Worth Giving Birth From A Married Man

As a rule, the question of whether it is worth giving birth from a married man arises before those women who become their mistresses. Pregnancy from a married person can be viewed in two ways. On the one hand, you cannot hope for help from a man, on the other hand, you will have a small miracle that will delight you all your life.

Is it worth giving birth from a married man
Is it worth giving birth from a married man

Why is it not worth giving birth to a married person?

If you want to quickly take a man out of his legal family with the help of pregnancy, this is unlikely to bring you happiness. Firstly, men often turn on the side of an affair that means nothing to them. Yes, they can speak affectionate words, convince of loyalty, tell how hard it is with their spouse, etc. But it doesn't really mean anything. A man may not love his wife, but he may feel gratitude and affection for her.

But you never know what happens there in someone else's family, what kind of relationship binds two people. To break into their family life, at least, is simply indecent.

No matter what a man says, no matter how he behaves, it is unlikely that he will leave the family because of you, where everything is convenient, understandable and familiar. With a new wife, you will have to establish a new way of life, this requires some effort. At home, everything was settled, everything worked out. And an affair with his mistress is just an affair that does not matter much to him. Few men leave their wife for a pregnant mistress, especially if this family already has children, especially if the man is already a middle-aged young man who is able to start all over again.

If you want to tie a man to yourself with the help of a child, take him away from the family, then nothing good will come of it. Even if everything happens the way you want, it is not a fact that your family will work out. This also rarely happens. Moreover, if a man has already had an affair on the side, if he has already left the family once, then why can't this happen to you? Think about whether to trust such a "prince"! And remember the well-known proverb: "You can't build your happiness on someone else's misfortune."

Why is it worth giving birth from a married person?

It makes sense to give birth from a married man when you want to give birth for yourself, without pursuing materialistic, personal or any other benefits. You passionately want a child, you prefer to raise him on your own - great, the flag is in your hands. Only in this case, one should not inform the man and spoil the life of himself, and him, and the child.

We decided to educate ourselves, then really do it yourself, do not impose either yourself or the baby on the biological father.

The only advantage in having a child from a married man is, probably, that if he already has children, you can be confident in the health of your own child. Of course, if everything is normal there from this point of view.

To give birth or not to give birth from a man who already has a family is, of course, a purely personal matter. You can't go in here with your own advice and recommendations, everyone must independently resolve this issue. But I would still like to advise you: by making such a decision, you are participating in the fate of several people - your own, your child, a man and his family. Think about it carefully, whether it is worth taking on such a great responsibility, whether you will have to regret today's decision in the future.
