One of the first things parents buy for their child is a stroller. In the first years of life, the baby will use this irreplaceable transport, which will accompany him on a walk.

How to choose a stroller so that the baby is comfortable and safe in it? When choosing a baby stroller, you need to pay attention to factors such as weight, dimensions, dimensions, as well as ease of use.
Pay attention to the fact that the stroller has an even and flat bottom, and the sides are high. This is the first requirement when choosing a stroller for a newborn baby.
If a young mother lives in a house without an elevator, she will have to lower the stroller down the steps, then the first step is to inquire about the weight of the stroller. Remember that your baby will grow and gain weight and it will become more difficult to lower the stroller.
The wheels of the stroller can be made of thermal rubber, or they can be inflated with a pump. The sizes of the wheels can be different - large and small, but it is necessary to understand that the larger the wheels, the easier the wheelchair travels, it will easily overcome pits and irregularities of the earth's surface. But small wheels are better maneuvering. Inflatable wheels provide a smooth ride for the wheelchair, but you may need to inflate or repair them. More practical thermo rubber wheels.
One of the main parts in the stroller is the retainer, or brake. Be sure to check its presence and serviceability. He is responsible for wheel locking and child safety. Pay attention also to the handle, it should not slip in your hands and be pleasant to the touch. There are handles that can be adjusted in height, as well as reclined. Thus, you yourself choose how to carry your baby - he can be turned to face you or his back. The handle can be adjusted in height to suit your height. Pay attention to the dimensions of the child's vehicle - whether the stroller will fit in the elevator across the width, whether it will fit in the folded state in the trunk of the car, and also how it will be located in the hallway. There are strollers on which the wheels are removed. It may be easier for you to transport it in your car in this form.
One of the main characteristics of a stroller is that you should like it. A young mother will use a baby stroller almost every day, this important factor should be given due attention.
To choose a stroller, you should familiarize yourself with their categories:
- Carrycot stroller. Up to six months, every baby needs such a stroller. It has a hooded basket with a solid bottom and high sides. The basket is located high above the earth's surface.
- Stroller. They are summer and winter. Winter wheels are distinguished by large wheels and dense material. Summer strollers are lightweight and have small wheels.
- Universal strollers. They differ in the principle of replacing one block with another, they consist of a chassis, a cradle for an infant and a walking block for older children.
- The stroller is a transformer. Such strollers have the ability to change their position. They are suitable for a child of any age - from a newborn to three years old.