At first glance, teaching a kid to deal with time is difficult. But the child is growing, and he just needs to know what time is, and also how it is measured. After all, planning your time is of no small importance for the development of a child. The kid must learn to navigate in it and be able to dispose of. In his understanding, time flows in a completely different way. You need to teach a child to understand time gradually, but you need to start from afar.

Step 1
It is necessary to familiarize the child with the concept of time. For example, after the day, the night goes, and after the night, the morning begins. First, the child must learn the sequence of all events. Every day, consistently repeating the chain of events, the baby already understands what and why to do? It is important to always tell him: "Good morning", "Good night", as this is the easiest way to understand the time of day. It is necessary to pay special attention to each sequence, where you can clearly see what came before and what after. Consistency can be developed in a child with the help of fairy tales. You can read a fairy tale, and then ask the baby questions (What happened then?).
Step 2
It is necessary to begin to acquaint your child with such concepts as: past, present, future. This should be done with the help of conversations based on the examples of the life of the baby himself. It is necessary to explain that what the child is doing now is the present, what will happen later is the future (tomorrow, in a week). Put emphasis on significant events, as they are better remembered by children (for example: birthday, Christmas, etc.).
Step 3
Demonstrate to your child what can be done in a minute, an hour, or even in a second (for example, you can clap your hands). To do this, you can organize a game, during which, using a timer, determine how long it takes for a child to perform an action.
Step 4
The next step is to introduce the child to the seasons. It is necessary not only to explain to him that there are four seasons and twelve months in a year, but also to explain in detail to him all the changes that take place in different periods of the year. All this must be shown to the child using different examples, for example, the onset of winter is characterized by the appearance of snow, autumn - by leaf fall … Tell us what people are wearing, etc. You can also familiarize yourself with the seasons with the help of colorful books and fairy tales (for example, Marshak's fairy tale "Twelve Months").
Step 5
The last step is to introduce the child to the mysterious clock. Of course, before that, he must be familiarized with the numbers, in addition, the baby must be able to count. You need to teach time on a bright clock. You need to associate time with the activities that the child does on a daily basis. First, you need the kid to master the hour hand, and then you can move on to the minute hand.