Girls often perceive a joint vacation as a special kind of relationship, as a way out to a new level in the degree of trust and love. You can persuade a girl in love to take a vacation together, but only when you openly speak about your intentions: something more than just a vacation or a way to have a good and fun time.

Step 1
Offer directly. For example, when you already know exactly from what date she goes on vacation. In a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere, ask about her plans for her vacation. Then offer to spend this time together by going somewhere. Even to a neighboring town or village to visit relatives. Do not forget that your vacation must coincide with the girl’s vacation, otherwise there is no point in offering anything.
Step 2
Buy a package for two. Present the girl this voucher as a vacation gift. Even if your beloved does not want to go with you, because she has some of her own specific plans, you can always go on a trip with a friend or relative.
Step 3
Tell us about the delights of a joint vacation. Colorfully describe to the girl how wonderful it would be to wake up every morning together at the hotel, how wonderful it would be to spend all the time together. Finally, talk about how spending time together is a way to get to know each other in a new way or to refresh the relationship if there are any problems. Tell the girl how much she is important to you, how much you would not like to lose her even for a day, and even more so for a whole vacation (no matter how long it lasts).
Step 4
Face it with a fact. Many girls love strong-willed and strong men who decide everything themselves. So put your girlfriend in front of the fact: you are going on a joint vacation. Point. Let her pack her things. Depending on where exactly you are going to take the girl, describe to her exactly what things she will need.
Step 5
Talk to her parents. If you are not yet familiar with them, then this is a good reason to get to know each other. If you have known her mom and dad for a long time, then coordinate the girl's vacation with them. Ask if they would mind if you share a vacation with their daughter. You can even, secretly, say that the girl is not yet aware of your plans. Parents can properly set up their daughter for rest, give her an installation. It is possible that after their words, it will be easier to persuade the girl to go on vacation.
Step 6
Tell us about your serious intentions with the girl. Many people perceive a joint vacation as a new stage in a relationship, when the wedding is not so far away. Confirm your intentions, if they really are. If you are not yet planning such a serious step, then simply describe the delights of a joint vacation, without going into details of the degree of seriousness of your relationship. Do not give unnecessary hopes, do not lie. If there are no strong feelings, then just say that it is with this girl that you want to spend your free time, get to know her better.