Research shows that 70 to 90 percent of our contacts are non-verbal. Let's find out what a man actually says when he talks to you.

Step 1
How to Become a Lie Detector Body language is a reflex. Scientists have found that everything we feel first manifests itself in the limbic system of the brain, and only after a few nanoseconds in our consciousness. That is, gestures and body movements are the very truth. At first glance, becoming a lie detector is very simple, because you just need to know what gesture means. However, even the most highly qualified specialists will be able to determine the meaning of physical reactions by only 60%. To increase the chances of reading your man's body language correctly, you need to look at how he behaves in his natural environment, take into account poor lighting, the number of glasses of champagne drunk and many other factors. Simply put, take a closer look at your chosen one as closely as possible. Only then will you be able to determine his behavior when "something goes wrong." Ask the man a simple question, such as who he wanted to be as a child. And after he relaxes, rate his behavior on four levels: comfort, setting, consistency, combination.
Step 2
How comfortable is he? First of all, assess how comfortable his body is. YES: Leans towards you, with torso and feet pointing in a direction that is comfortable for eye contact. NO: Turns away from you, hands are hidden, or looks at you, but constantly looks away.

Step 3
What does his pose say? Setting: Fidgeting, avoiding prolonged eye contact, nervous? It's okay on the first date. Lean back with your arms crossed over your chest? Your man doesn't want to participate in the conversation. But perhaps the cafe where you are sitting is just very cold. Before you can interpret the gestures, assess the environment. Consistency: His actions must match the words. If he says he is having a great time with you but looks out or says yes but shakes his head, these are bad signs. Combination: Most gestures read better when combined with each other. If a man just avoids talking about his ex, then don't worry. But if, after asking why they have dispersed, your interlocutor begins to bang his hand on his knee, look away, grab his neck, touch his nose, earlobes - beware, something is wrong here!

Step 4
Is his smile real? See if a smile touched his gaze? A fake smile will only affect the lips, while a real smile will leave tiny wrinkles in the eyes that experts say are almost impossible to fake. Nose Dilated nostrils indicate an increase in heart rate. This could mean that the man is angry or sexually aroused. Perhaps both at the same time. Torso A person tends to look in the direction of his interest. If a man, when talking with you, turns away, then his attention is not focused on you.

Step 5
Watch Your Feet People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. But experts are confident that it is the feet that will tell you about a man's true intentions. It's very simple: if the feet are pointing at you, you are the object of his attention. If in the direction of the door - mentally he has already left you.

Step 6
Hands If a man's hands are on the table and palms up, this is a sign of calmness and open interest. And vice versa, the hands of the interlocutor hidden under the table are a sign that he has something to hide, or your chosen one is simply nervous.

Step 7
Touching This is how we are made: what we like, we want to touch. If a man tries to touch your hand, support your waist, do not hesitate - he is clearly interested in you. On the contrary, the gesture when the man hid his hands behind his back directly hints to you "Don't come close!" Legs If a man sits with his legs wide apart, he feels himself master of the situation. If his legs are crossed, notice where the leg on top is facing: towards you or in the opposite direction?

Step 8
Eyes Everyone knows that when a person lies, he tries to hide his eyes. Inveterate liars know this axiom better than others and try not to betray themselves in any way. And they lie, looking straight into the eyes. Pay attention to how often your interlocutor blinks. A normal person blinks 6 to 10 times a minute. Blinking more often is a sign that you are being tricked.

Step 9
Listen carefully Ask a direct question and listen. A man can evade a direct answer and will say something in the style: “I'm a good guy. Do you really think I am capable of such a thing? Or vice versa, he will answer with a lot of details and details. Remember, in both cases, he is trying to deceive you.

Step 10
Your Body Language Keep your body open and relaxed. If you want to impress a man, be his mirror: bend over to him when he leans toward you, raise a glass at the same time, imitate his gestures, copy the tone of voice. So he will feel that you are very similar, that you are "on the same wavelength."