Why Do Men Think Someone Else's Wife Is Better

Why Do Men Think Someone Else's Wife Is Better
Why Do Men Think Someone Else's Wife Is Better

Many wives and girls are irritated and angry by the fact that their man looks at other people's women, including married ones. At the same time, every woman wants her man to look only at her. But, according to psychologists, this cannot be fixed. Even one hundred percent monogamous will stare at other women from time to time.

Why do men think someone else's wife is better
Why do men think someone else's wife is better

Reason one - polygamy instinct

In the days of primitive people, in order to continue his race, a man had to impregnate as many women as possible. First of all, because a pregnant woman is practically defenseless: she cannot provide herself with food or escape from danger. At that time, not every time a man could feed himself and his pregnant companion, or protect her from a wild beast or enemy.


Secondly, due to the high percentage of infant mortality in those distant times when there was no concept of any medicine, obstetrics and hygiene. Infants, children and adolescents, in most cases, died before reaching adulthood. Moreover, this situation persisted in Europe until the 19th century.

Out of 5-6 or more newborns, 2-3 survived to adulthood. And for everyone it was considered normal. There was no mention of pensions, so the guarantee of a more or less calm old age was the presence of adult children who could feed the elderly parents. Therefore, every couple, every family tried to give birth to as many children as possible. And a man - to inseminate as many women as possible.

Nowadays, the situation with social security and child mortality is completely different, but the instincts inherent in men for millions of years make them stare at all, without exception, beautiful women in search of another option.

However, modern men, for the most part, control animal instincts and things do not reach further the views "to the side". Therefore, do not worry about the fact that men openly stare at attractive women.

From this point of view, any normal heterosexual man will more or less look at attractive women. And that's okay. It is even better if, out of respect for his partner, he does it imperceptibly. Only homosexuals and asexual people do not stroke towards beauties.

Reason two - a married woman is better than a single woman

By getting married or finding a loving man, many women change for the better. They seem to blossom, their personal happiness makes them brighter and more beautiful than before marriage. It is for this reason that many men subconsciously look at married women, and not at single ones.


In addition, a woman, being already the chosen man, undoubtedly possesses, from the point of view of her husband, a number of outstanding qualities. For example, beauty, or good character, or something else. The presence of such qualities in someone else's wife invariably attracts the views of other men to her, even if these qualities are far-fetched.

Reason three - envy

Some men with an envious character constantly feel that others have gotten the best. Others have a better car, a better home, better jobs, a better wife, and better children.

This type of man is constantly striving to get better things, including a better and more attractive wife. This makes him first stare at other people's wives, and then make attempts to seduce them.

Psychologists say that constant envy is one of the complexes of the insecure representative of the stronger sex. And to overcome it, you need a lot of work on yourself.

The fourth reason is problems within a married couple

There are always problems in the relationship between a man and a woman, between a husband and a wife. But when they cannot be solved for a long time, a man begins to stare at other people's women in search of a new passion. In the same way, women start looking for a new husband.


It is dissatisfaction with his marriage and relationships that in most cases makes a man risk his relationship in search of someone else. Those who are satisfied with everything calmly control their animal instincts and things do not get beyond rare glances towards beautiful women.

Unfortunately, many women forget that the main function of a woman in a relationship with a man is not at all cooking, washing and cleaning. And not even sex and childbirth. The first function of a woman is to inspire her man, give him the energy to develop, work, be realized professionally and spiritually.

In the beginning of many relationships, this is not a problem. Both partners demonstrate their best qualities, and everything is going in the most beautiful way. But, over time, a man begins to lack inspiration from his half. Then he begins to be interested in other women, although it does not always come to betrayal.

Many psychologists view this problem as a lack of love on the part of a woman. In a relationship, a woman always gives, and a man always takes love, in return providing protection, tranquility, comfort and warmth.

If a man lacks love, this does not mean that he lacks sex. He lacks care, support, inspiration and understanding - all that includes love. And when a man lacks love in a relationship, he involuntarily, automatically begins to look at other people's women.

Other reasons

In more rare cases, men look at other people's women for the following reasons:

  • a man is strongly influenced by instincts or does not try to restrain them;
  • asserts itself or seeks attention;
  • moral principles such that a man does not see anything special in the constant consideration of other people's wives;
  • search for sexual adventures.

In the cases described above, men can be changed rarely and with great difficulty. It is often difficult for a woman to accept such behavior and it is easier for her to part with such a partner than to endure it.
