The Worst Mistakes In Bed

The Worst Mistakes In Bed
The Worst Mistakes In Bed

Incorrect behavior in bed can not only ruin your intimate life, but also cause many quarrels with your loved one. Moreover, making gross mistakes, you risk even once and for all losing your soul mate.

The worst mistakes in bed
The worst mistakes in bed

What not to do in bed

One of the most terrible and unforgivable mistakes that people sometimes make during intercourse is calling a person by someone else's name. It does not matter why you uttered this name in a fit of ecstasy, allowing such a confusion. In any case, it will be difficult to earn forgiveness after this reservation.

It is especially unpleasant if a person in bed calls his soul mate by the name of a former partner. This can become a reason not only for a major quarrel, but even for parting.

A very serious and, unfortunately, common mistake is the habit of thinking only about yourself in bed and forgetting about your partner. Some people get so addicted to it that they even put a mirror on the side of the bed to make sure they look good while making love. This kind of narcissism can be difficult for partners to handle. It’s even more unpleasant when women in bed hiss every two minutes: “Don’t try to ruin my hair,” and men get angry at even the tiniest scratch left on their back.

You should never compare partners with exes, and even more so it is inappropriate to do this in bed. One of the worst mistakes you can make during sex is to start persuading your partner to fulfill your desire, arguing that the other lover or mistress is doing it without any hints from you.

Mistakes that end sex

After some mistakes, a person can permanently refuse sex with a particular partner. One such mistake is loquacity. This applies to both men and women: when people want to comment on every second of lovemaking or just say something inarticulate, without stopping for a minute, it is, to put it mildly, annoying. It is very difficult to concentrate on the process with this kind of chatter.

It is even worse when it comes to reasoning about the partner's body and his actions. Unpleasant phrases about a woman's figure, a man's penis, or a partner's inexperience can be very upsetting.

Leaving quickly or even "running away" after sex is one of the worst mistakes. Even if you have a hygiene item and want to shower as soon as possible after the climax, at least invite your partner to join you. If, immediately after receiving pleasure, you push away the person who brought it to you, jump out of bed and run to the shower, or start to dress convulsively, as if a fire had started in the house, you risk causing serious psychological trauma to the person who remains in bed.
