Normal family relationships are impossible without sex, which brings pleasure to both partners. Psychologists say that high-quality sex has a beneficial effect on the general psycho-emotional state of the spouses. In addition, any doctor will tell you that regular sexual intercourse between partners has a beneficial effect on overall health. As a rule, harmony reigns in the sexual life of the average family, but there are also mistakes women make in bed, leading to tension, dissatisfaction, and sometimes to adultery.

Top 5 major mistakes women make in bed
1. Pose "log". Many men are unhappy with the fact that a woman prefers to lie in a layer under her partner and either have pleasure or simply endure sexual intercourse. It is important for a man, as a male and a hunter, to feel and see that a woman craves sex with him - this should manifest itself in her behavior visually, whipping up, turning on and prompting the chosen one to great heights and exploits.
2. Excessive talkativeness of a woman during intimacy. For almost any man, increased talkativeness during sex is a hindrance. Quality sex requires concentration and a departure from reality. Of course, this does not mean that you need to be silent, but instead of empty talk, it is best to praise and admire a man.
3. Stiffness and secrecy. Some women prefer to make love to their husband in the twilight, under the covers. All this can be caused by complexes and personal experiences of a woman. A man, on the other hand, wants to see a completely open person in front of him, besides, the naked body of a partner not only excites, but also inspires to certain actions, kindles passion.
4. Unattractive underwear is a direct path to sexual cooling. Sometimes a woman, in search of comfort and warmth, removes erotic thongs and panties away, preferring to wear "grandmother's" pantaloons. But we must not forget that lace, silk, strings and ribbons can cause a storm of emotions in a man, to excite him better than caress and foreplay.
5. Avoiding oral sex is a common cause of sexual problems in marriage. It is important for a man that a woman gives him pleasure in various ways, including through oral sex. If the spouse refuses them, the partner may consider this disgust and take offense. Oral sex for a man is a reason to raise his self-esteem and once again make sure of his partner's love.
If a woman does not express herself, but only gives in to the wishes of her husband, he may have a feeling that sex does not arouse her interest. It must be remembered that a man would like to hear from his wife what she likes, what she would like during sex, because this not only stimulates and inspires, but also helps to achieve sexual harmony in marriage. Knowing the main mistakes women make in bed, you can correct the situation and always maintain the fire of desire in family life.