A complete and varied diet, which fully meets all the needs of a growing organism, is one of the elements of a child's all-round development. That is why the desire of parents to organize such a menu for a child per year is quite understandable. Knowing its basics, it is quite possible to feed your baby tasty and healthy.

At this age, the children's menu becomes varied enough to be able to prepare meals for four full meals, similar to those received by older children. There cannot be a universal children's menu, since it largely depends on the taste preferences of the baby himself and his individual tolerance of certain products, but it is realistic to display it in an approximate form.
Usually breakfast consists of a portion of a cereal dish, the composition of which varies depending on the cereal used. It can be either pure rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or wheat milk porridge, or a multi-grain mixture. In a year, you can use the instant cereals offered for baby food and start cooking your own.
So, oatmeal, semolina or boiled rice porridge are already chewed and easily swallowed by many children. A small amount of butter is added to the porridge. As a liquid, the child continues to receive mother's milk or formula.
Opinions about whether it is worth adding sugar to porridge differ, but you can make it sweet without using it, mixing it with a small amount of fruit puree.
Lunch should consist of a portion of soup, which is preferably cooked in vegetable broths, since meat broths are too concentrated for baby food. For the second, a portion of meat with vegetables is given, which must be replaced with fish once a week. The garnish can be not only vegetable, but also flour, since pasta is also included in the child's diet per year. But vegetable dishes should dominate the menu and be present on the table at least once, and even better twice.
In the form of drinks, you can give not only milk, but also compote or a little juice if it has already been introduced into complementary foods and is normally absorbed. After a year, it is necessary to move away from the homogenized consistency of dishes, giving the child the opportunity to train chewing skills. Therefore, meat can already be given not only in the form of mashed potatoes, but also meatballs or meatballs.
The meat for meatballs and cutlets can be different, but fresh. A one-year-old child does not need sausages, sausages, ham and other not very healthy semi-finished products.
Afternoon snack
For an afternoon snack, there can be a portion of cottage cheese, a casserole, several cookies with milk or kefir, or any fruit, especially if summer products are coming, and the gifts of nature are grown in the region of residence, and not imported from abroad. When choosing dishes for an afternoon snack containing cottage cheese, you need to remember about its norms for this age of 50-70 g and try not to exceed them, and also take into account the daily amount of kilocalories obtained from food.
If there was no cottage cheese for an afternoon snack, then dinner can consist of a dish containing it: casseroles, lazy dumplings, or even pancakes. It is not recommended to give too dense dishes with meat for dinner, so an omelet, vegetable stew, mashed potatoes, a sandwich with grated cheese or fish pate, pasta can be an alternative to cottage cheese.