Is It Possible For A Nursing Mother To Eat Dried Fruits

Is It Possible For A Nursing Mother To Eat Dried Fruits
Is It Possible For A Nursing Mother To Eat Dried Fruits

During breastfeeding, women need to be especially careful about their own diet. It is necessary to exclude from the menu all those products that can negatively affect the developing digestive system of the baby, cause allergies. However, the nutrition of the mother for the proper development of the baby must be varied and of high quality. To strengthen the immunity of the baby and the mother, you must definitely eat dried fruits. These delicious sources of vitamins have minimal contraindications.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat dried fruits
Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat dried fruits

Dried fruits are natural healthy treats that will not only help a nursing mother and baby to replenish their reserves of vitamins and microelements. Raisins, dried apricots and prunes also allow you to forget about intestinal problems. With breastfeeding, almost all types of dried fruits can be included in the diet.

Why are dried fruits useful for lactation?

Most nursing mothers have to forget about sweets in the first months of a baby's life. Dried fruits can be a healthy alternative to cakes and sweets. These natural delicacies are recommended by doctors for the full development of the child, strengthening the immunity of the baby and mother.

Dried fruits are sources of valuable vitamins. For lactating women, these products are especially important because they help eliminate problems with the intestines and stools. These troubles are familiar to many mothers during pregnancy and after childbirth, while dried fruits can be equated with natural medicines for constipation.

Dried fruits are rich in dietary fiber, raisins, prunes, raisins and dried apricots, dried dates also contain a lot of pectins. These substances stimulate intestinal motility. Dried fruits retain most of the nutrients when compared to fresh fruits. However, for example, grapes of a nursing mother cannot be consumed, but raisins in reasonable quantities can.

Possible restrictions on the use of dried fruits

A nursing mother can eat dried fruits both in the usual form and in the form of compotes. Doctors, as a rule, advise introducing raisins, dried apricots and prunes into the diet 2-3 weeks after childbirth. It is necessary to start eating dried fruit gradually, monitoring the baby's reaction. If a child has colic, bloating or a rash after eating prunes or dried apricots, these products will have to be abandoned for a while.

Dried fruits can cause fermentation in the stomach, so it is better to eat them in small quantities. Do not use dried apricots, prunes and raisins at the same time with foods that lead to bloating. This is kvass, sparkling water, etc.

Dried fruit compotes are especially useful for mothers after a cesarean section. They can also improve lactation. To do this, you need to drink warm compote just before feeding. And so that a healthy drink does not cause colic in the baby, sugar must be added in a small amount or completely abandoned. In the absence of individual intolerance, allergies, cinnamon, vanillin can be added to compotes.
