Is It Possible To Eat Tangerines For A Nursing Mother

Is It Possible To Eat Tangerines For A Nursing Mother
Is It Possible To Eat Tangerines For A Nursing Mother

When a woman breastfeeds her baby, at first she has to exclude certain foods from her usual diet, for example, such as coffee, chocolate, tomatoes and even tangerines.

Is it possible to eat tangerines for a nursing mother
Is it possible to eat tangerines for a nursing mother

The benefits of mandarin

In addition to the supply of vitamin C, tangerines contain many useful substances, such as beta-carotene, which stimulates the immune system; fungi-fighting phytoncides; potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels; pectin, which cleanses your body of harmful substances. At first glance, it seems that tangerines are of continuous benefit, but do not forget that even a very useful product can be dangerous for an unprepared child.

With all the positive qualities, there is also a reverse side of the coin - allergy.

What are the consequences, and how to avoid them?

Eating tangerines in large quantities can negatively affect the health of the mother and baby, even if there is no allergy, so remember that any product should be eaten in moderation.

Until your baby is three months old, tangerines should be discarded. Upon reaching this age, the baby's body becomes stronger, so it reacts to a lesser extent to various allergens. Gradually start introducing this fruit into your diet. Like any potentially allergenic product, it is best to consume it during the first half of the day. Carefully observe the well-being and behavior of your baby, then you can understand the need for further tasting. The reaction will happen faster if the baby has a severe allergy.

If a child develops symptoms such as stool disturbance, rash, sudden runny nose, bloating, hoarse voice, lethargy, drowsiness, or, conversely, anxiety, you need to stop taking tangerines.

If you do not see any changes in the baby's health after feeding, you can repeat the test again with a small portion of this fruit after about a week. The amount of tangerines consumed directly depends on the age of the child, the smaller the baby, the less your daily portion will be. However, it is this fruit that is able to replenish the supply of vitamins and diversify your diet in the winter season, especially since an allergic reaction to tangerines occurs no more often than to ordinary milk or even to red apples.

Scientists have proven that the manifestation of allergies after weaning and with the introduction of complementary foods in a child is observed much less often if a nursing mother introduces her child through breast milk to the components of various products, gradually expanding her diet.
