Is It Possible For A Nursing Mother To Eat A Melon

Is It Possible For A Nursing Mother To Eat A Melon
Is It Possible For A Nursing Mother To Eat A Melon

In order not to harm the baby's body by eating melon, a nursing mother must first eat a small piece of fragrant pulp. If the baby's digestive system has not responded to a new treat for her, the next time the portion can be increased slightly. Eating melon in reasonable amounts will be beneficial for both mother and baby.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat a melon
Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat a melon

Is melon good for breastfeeding?

Melon is a fragrant sunny fruit, which should be approached with caution during breastfeeding, despite all the usefulness of the juicy pulp. On the one hand, melon is the source of all nutrients that enter the baby's body with breast milk. Being a natural storehouse of minerals, vitamins, organic acids and proteins, folic acid and silicon, it stabilizes the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. With its regular use in reasonable quantities, a nursing mother removes stones from the kidneys, strengthens the body on the eve of the autumn-winter period, improves the peristalsis of the digestive tract. Beta-carotene, which is present in abundance in melon, improves complexion and skin condition.

The following can be said about the dangers of melon during breastfeeding. With its immense use, the mother may experience bloating in the intestines and the fermentation process in the digestive tract may begin. In turn, the baby's body will react to these changes in its own way - he may vomit and develop diarrhea. In addition, melon has always been considered a strong allergen, so there is always a threat of diathesis in an infant. Another important point is the conditions in which the melon was grown. For example, if nitrates were used to fertilize it, neither a woman nor a baby can avoid poisoning.

Rules for eating melon while breastfeeding

If a nursing mother suffers from gastritis, diabetes mellitus, a stomach ulcer or her body is affected by an acute intestinal infection, she is strongly discouraged from eating a melon. In the absence of contraindications, you can enjoy the fragrant melon, observing some of the rules for its use. So, you should not eat it on an empty stomach or combine it with other foods, otherwise digestion may be upset. Better to eat a slice of melon between meals.

Do not consume large quantities of melon at once. To begin with, you should try a small piece of it, and only in the absence of negative reactions of the baby's body can you try to increase the volume of the treat. It is better to do this in the morning - if the baby melon does not like it, his anxiety will be easier to transfer in the daytime. If, after eating a melon, rashes appear on the baby's face or body, repeated "experiments" should not be carried out - you will have to wait until next summer.
