Marital infidelity is often the cause of family conflicts and divorce. Signs of infidelity can occur even in the most successful marriages. To calculate deception on the part of a spouse, it is necessary to pay attention to violations of the usual way of life in the family.

Emotional distance
One of the main signs of cheating is a decrease in the emotional attachment of a spouse. This can manifest itself in the form of frequent depression, egocentric behavior, ignorance of the partner's interests, indifference to family problems, etc. If you notice these signs in your spouse's behavior, you need to think about your relationship.
Discontent and anger
Frequent verbal abuse, intolerance to minor problems, constant aggression, discontent and accusations of something are also signs of treason. This behavior always looks inexplicable. Your partner constantly complains about trivial things. You may feel that he is unhappy, but at the same time shies away from answering your questions.
You may feel that whatever you do is not going to improve the situation.
The control
A sign of betrayal can also be the constant accusations from your partner that you are depriving him of his freedom of action, that you are trying to control him. A cheating partner may feel trapped in a family relationship. He will complain about pressure and control from you, even if you talk about minor things.
"Hard work
Pay attention to changes in your partner's schedule. What does he do after work, how often does he go on long work trips, if he does overtime and how often does he do it. All these signs should make you at least think about his loyalty.
Inadequate response to your illness
One of the clearest signs of cheating is an indifferent attitude towards your illness. For example, you were hospitalized, possibly in a serious condition, but your partner does not visit you and even continues to lead the same lifestyle, without changing the schedule of his day. This behavior speaks of a complete lack of affection and indifference.
Extra spending
If you notice that your partner has begun to spend more on his appearance (often buys new clothes, suddenly began to monitor his figure, etc.), this is a sign to think about it. You may also notice that he began to visit the gym or fitness centers. In itself, such behavior is not abnormal, but only when it is not hidden and does not come as a surprise to you.
New hobbies
An unexpected interest for you in new things and hobbies on the part of your spouse (sports, hobbies, etc.), a lack of interest in household chores, combined with an unreasonable interest in strangers' affairs, an unusual zeal for life not at home should also alert you.
You may also hear accusations against you that you allegedly interfere with his favorite activities.
Defensive position
Another bright sign of betrayal is the habit of taking a defensive position to any of your questions. You can talk about completely simple and even everyday things, but your spouse will perceive your questions as an attempt to accuse him of being unfaithful.
Relationships with the opposite sex
Pay attention to how your spouse behaves with the opposite sex. You may notice unusually warm greetings with hugs and kisses, followed by an attempt to make excuses for your behavior in response to your questions. Or, for example, you often hear from your spouse the phrase “We are just friends and nothing more,” although you never asked him about the nature of his relationship with this friend.
An indicative need for privacy
Pay attention to the appearance of your spouse's new, personal bank account, hidden e-mail from you, as well as, for example, frequent correspondence on the Internet, which continues until late at night. This also includes hiding credit card statements from you and constantly erasing messages from your phone. All of this can be a sign of treason.