Try to make time for you and your child every day. You do not need to plan every minute of being with your child. It's enough just to be together in the same room and go about your business.

Relationships between parents and children are not always good. In order to establish them, you should listen to some advice:
1. Listen to children no matter what. The child's world often does not obey the laws of the adult environment. Therefore, mom and dad need to listen carefully to their child in any place and under different circumstances: when working together, during entertainment, or on the way home. It is important for children that the story about different situations in their life is heard and understood by dear people.
2. Listen to the children to the end. Do not interrupt your child or give him premature advice before he has fully expressed himself. A parent's hasty conclusions can only harm him and undermine his trust in adults.
3. Do not overdo it with preachings. Children will never share their impressions and experiences with those parents who, after listening to them, begin to read a boring and long lecture about “bad” and “good”, and how to deal with it all.
4. Punish and praise in moderation. Discipline must be fair. Parents should understand that all children are naughty and commit minor offenses. The child will no longer share his failures with them. In any situation, the child needs to calmly explain how to act in a given situation.
5. Try to understand the culture of the children. Everyone was once children, listened to music incomprehensible to adults, wore unusual clothes and talked with friends in a certain slang. Parents should not rudely "get into" this world of the child, regardless of his opinion and preferences, otherwise, from constant criticism, he may withdraw into himself. After all, it will pass for him someday.
6. Introduce family tradition. Modern families define days for joint recreation or playing sports, which becomes a pleasant tradition, makes them stronger and more friendly.
And remember to always set an example for your children. The child wants to be like mom and dad and notices how parents communicate with other adults, adopting their habits and behavior.