There are many different ways to tell your parents that you are pregnant, and they are all individual. The choice depends on the relationship in the family, as well as on how independent the daughter has become. Some, however, do not dare to talk about this topic until the pregnancy becomes obvious.

Should I say or wait for someone to ask?
If the question arose of how to tell parents about pregnancy, it is likely that doubts arise that this news will be received with joy. However, you should not play the worst options in advance, even if the relationship between "fathers and children" is far from ideal. No one, except the next of kin, will be able to more accurately predict a possible reaction. Therefore, for a start, it is worth figuring out what, in fact, this news may turn out to be for parents.
It is important that parents, regardless of how relationships develop in a particular family, can sometimes guess for themselves that they are going to become a grandmother or grandfather. It is possible that, knowing about this, they will not be the first to start a conversation, calmly waiting for the opportunity to talk about it. And at the very first conversation they will be able to express sincere joy, even if combined with a slight anxiety for their daughter.
However, some parents, especially those with a craving for despotism and total control over their children, may try to take the initiative into their own hands. As soon as they have the slightest reason to suspect their daughter is pregnant, they can quite unceremoniously demand an explanation. In this case, you can also act in different ways, having enlisted in advance, for example, the help of someone close to you. If the greatest excitement is caused by a conversation on this topic with the father, it is worthwhile to start talking calmly with the mother, or vice versa. Having talked separately with one of the relatives, you can, firstly, calm down. And secondly, to see new options for the development of further events or to come up with a better form for a conversation on this topic with parents.
Joyful, but such unexpected news …
It happens that parents, who have previously jokingly asked their daughter more than once about when she will give them a grandson, in reality turn out to be completely unprepared for such news. Perhaps, sometimes they themselves cannot formulate their emotions - fear or anxiety, discontent or confusion, and maybe even anger or panic. According to experts, people prone to unpredictable and extremely strong emotional reactions show them from time to time, that is, such an "explosion" should not come as a surprise to a pregnant daughter.
With such a development of the situation, you can only try to immediately direct the conversation in the right direction. For example, to think together about how to name a girl or boy, or to be puzzled by a discussion of practical issues - arranging a nursery, choosing a maternity hospital, buying furniture and clothes for a newborn, etc. This is usually able to restore self-control to people even after a strong emotional shock. Thus, the future grandfather, five minutes ago with bitterness thinking about the unfinished university and the upcoming expenses, can painlessly switch to choosing a wheelchair. And the grandmother, taken aback by the unexpected, but such joyful news, will gladly sort through the stocks of fabric in her mind, from which new clothes for the baby or curtains for the nursery can be made, no longer regretting that her daughter is not married.