When a guy and a girl decide to establish a joint life, relatives from both sides are also involved in the sphere of their relationship, first of all, their fathers and mothers. And not always everything goes smoothly here. Daughters-in-law often complain about mother-in-law, and sons-in-law about their mother-in-law. But there are many wonderful examples when the older and younger generations manage to find a compromise and truly become related.

Step 1
The easiest way to establish good relationships with a mother-in-law is if she strives for them herself, realizing that her daughter and grandchildren can be happy in a house where peace and respect for each other reign. And if you go to meet her in this desire, she will only be grateful to you, and you can always count on her help and support.
Step 2
Try to understand that the basis of all actions of the mother-in-law is most often the love for her daughter and the desire to make her happy. Imagine if this was your mom. No matter how much she grumbles and no matter what she does, you still understand that she is yours and you love her.
Step 3
Always be ready to listen to her. Make it clear to the person that you are always ready to support and help him. But at the same time, if you are not asked about this, you should not impose, except in those cases when help is still expected from you, but they do not dare to say about it.
Step 4
Try to show your best side and often do something nice for your mother-in-law. It can melt the heart of any woman.
Step 5
It’s worse if your mother-in-law was against you even before the wedding. Prejudice is the most difficult to combat because it is negative feelings don't always lend themselves to logic. Nevertheless, try to analyze what exactly she does not like about you, which of her expectations you did not live up to. Perhaps you really should change a few things in your character. Take a critical look at yourself. It is useful in this case to consult with your wife. She certainly does not want to see fierce hostilities on her territory.
Step 6
If your mother-in-law advises you something, she probably only wants the best. Even if you disagree with something, do not rush to take her words with hostility. Think carefully about the proposal. Perhaps she is right and good advice should be followed. And if you remain unconvinced, try to calmly convince her. Reasonable, well-reasoned arguments are very powerful. Plus, if you can show your mother-in-law that you pay attention to her words and treat her with respect, you will notice a change in your relationship.
Step 7
If you understand that it is impossible to convince your mother-in-law, like you, do not rush to be rude to her, just listen and do not try to start useless arguments. In some cases, you can act through your wife to calm your mother-in-law. She can always bring your point of view to the mind of the mother-in-law softer.
Step 8
Do not get annoyed over trifles, try to keep calm and balanced, if some words or actions of the mother-in-law disgust you. Remember that it is not for a man to sink to the level of women's squabbles.
Step 9
If all your efforts to establish a peaceful relationship with your mother-in-law fail, and she tries to turn her daughter and children against you, talk to her about it directly. In doing so, remain calm, but be firm and unshakable. Encourage her to be prudent, if only for the sake of her daughter and your children. Assure that you love your family and will do everything to make your wife and children happy, but for this there must be peace.
Step 10
Try to just less catch the eye of your mother-in-law, if you see that you cannot yet change her opinion of yourself. Make sure to purchase your own home, where only your family members will be the hosts. Perhaps time and distance will put everything in its place, and you will still appreciate each other.