Gender Education Of The Baby: Pros And Cons

Gender Education Of The Baby: Pros And Cons
Gender Education Of The Baby: Pros And Cons

The rapidly changing world has led to the destruction of the usual stereotypes of male and female behavior. Increasingly, the idols of millions are individuals who behave directly opposite to their gender. The principle of gender education is aimed precisely at preventing such behavior from becoming the norm for a child in his adult life.

Gender education of the baby: pros and cons
Gender education of the baby: pros and cons

What is gender education and what are its advantages

The English word "gender" literally means belonging to one or another genus, that is, sex. In the course of gender upbringing of babies, their social gender identity is formed, the realization that he / she is a man / woman. The formation of the so-called gender identity begins in the family and depends on the attitude of the closest people to the baby and to each other. From how close the parents of both sexes are to him, his psychological connection with both mom and dad is so strong. But the strengthening of the laid foundations of gender identity occurs during school years, within the walls of an educational institution and largely depends on the teaching methodology, the attitude of teachers to gender education.

In the course of gender upbringing of boys, they are taught the foundations of masculinity, that is, behavior characteristic only of men - from an early age to be strong, not to show weakness in any situation, to be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones. Such knowledge and habits are very important for the formation of a man in society, his success and self-confidence, in the respect of others for him throughout his life.

In the formation of a girl's personality at a certain time, as a rule, at 4-5 years old, a turning point comes when she tries to imitate boys. The task of parents who adhere to a gender methodology in upbringing is to try to maintain a trusting and warm relationship with the baby, not to try to break her desire to be strong, but to gently and unobtrusively show that being a woman with masculine habits and character is ugly and wrong. Purely feminine skills and manners, instilled in early childhood, will help her make the right choice of a life partner and create a strong, prosperous family.

Gender education in educational institutions - all pros and cons

If in the family the method of gender education does not raise questions and doubts among the majority of parents, then around such an educational method there are more and more disputes.

In essence, gender education of children in schools is about dividing classes into male and female classes. In the course of classes, the emphasis is on the role of this or that sex, its responsibilities and behavioral features. The opinions of leading experts in the field of pedagogy about such education differ, and as an example, both positive and negative, they cite experimental classes of separate education in several schools of the country.

Some of the specialists are categorically against this method of teaching, since they believe that separate education and the emphasis in education specifically on gender, negatively affects the socialization of a person in society after he leaves the educational institution. Proponents of gender education cite as an argument in its favor the fact that the performance indicators in separate classes are much higher, and social adaptation occurs during communication with the opposite sex outside the classroom.

In addition, opponents of the gender method also point to the peculiarities of the character of some children as a risk factor, for example, too active girls simply cannot take root in a purely female class, and boys with a soft character find it difficult to acquire knowledge in a team where only personality strengths are popularized … In such cases, gender education is not only not beneficial, but can also harm the psyche of children.
