The birth of a baby is a joyful event. But after being discharged from the hospital, parents often panic over their doubts about caring for a newborn. Bathing can be the first difficulty. Bathing your baby is terrifying for many parents. But there is nothing difficult in this, you just need a little calmness and the gentle hands of mom.

- - baby bath
- - baby shampoo
- - towel
- - hygiene products
Step 1
Bathing your baby can be done both in the evening before going to bed, and in the afternoon or even in the morning. Splashing in the tub has a different effect on children. Someone can calm down before bedtime, and some can become very aroused and start to be active. By choosing a time for bathing, you will soon notice how the water affects your baby.
Step 2
Prepare water in a small 37 ° bath before bathing. Over time, this degree can be slightly lowered for hardening. Prepare clean water for rinsing in a separate bucket or jug. In a large bath, you should not bathe a child for up to six months. First, it is still small and can slip out of your hands. Secondly, the large bathtub is not perfectly clean. And thirdly, it will be extremely uncomfortable for you to stand, bent in half.
Prepare a flat towel, clothes, diaper, body oil. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, then prepare everything for its treatment.
Step 3
Take the baby in your arms. Place his head on your elbow, and grab his armpits with your palm. Grasp the legs with your other hand. Submerge your baby in the water gently, slowly so that he is not afraid of the water. As soon as the child is in the water, release his legs. If the baby likes to be in the water, then he will begin to jerk his legs.
Step 4
With your free hand, wash the baby's face, wipe behind the ears, the folds of the neck. Then take baby soap or shampoo that is intended from birth. Lather your hand a little and wipe the baby's belly, legs and between them, in the armpits, arms and elbows with gentle movements. Do not forget to use your soapy hand to go over your neck and behind your ears. Rinse your hands and again wash the baby with clean water from the bath in the same movements. Wipe the wrinkles well so that the baby does not irritate the soap.
Step 5
The back and bottom can be washed without turning the child over. Just lift it up a little. If you are not afraid to turn the baby over, then with your free hand help yourself to turn him over on his stomach and also lay him on your hand. After that, you can wash it from the back. Remember to rinse well with shampoo.
After washing, you need to lift the child with one hand in order to rinse him out of the bucket with the other. If you are in doubt about yourself, ask someone to pour a jug on the child while you are holding it.
Step 6
Lay the baby on a towel and wrap it up immediately. Do not dry the child, but pat dry with a towel starting from the head. After that, you can treat the umbilical wound, clean the baby's ears, treat the folds with oil, or simply dip them with a towel to remove excess moisture.
Dressing the child is also worth it from the head. Do not wrap up in a large amount of clothing after bathing. Enough of what you wear every day.