How To Help A Newborn With Colic

How To Help A Newborn With Colic
How To Help A Newborn With Colic

When the life of a newly born baby is clouded by intestinal colic, you want to do everything possible to help him. The main thing in such a situation is not to panic! There are effective and fairly simple ways to get rid of colic.

Colic in a newborn
Colic in a newborn

Having a baby is an exciting, unforgettable and happy moment in life. But with the birth of a baby, all sorts of difficulties come into being.

So, one of the many reasons for crying in a newborn is intestinal colic. As a rule, they start suddenly and put the young mother into a stupor. What makes the baby cry, what hurts him and how to help him - these are just some of the questions that mom asks.

is an attack of acute pain (spasm) in the child's intestines.


The pain is accompanied by the following symptoms:

● a high-pitched and prolonged cry, which can last for several hours in a row;

● Difficulty passing gas, as a result of which the child becomes swollen or "tight" stomach;

● redness of the skin on the face;

● the child pulls the legs to the stomach or, on the contrary, bends.

Colic pain
Colic pain

The reasons

There are many reasons for the appearance of colic:

● immaturity of the digestive system;

● dysbiosis;

● violation of breast / bottle sucking technique;

● non-compliance with the nursing mother's diet or improperly selected milk formula;

● lactase deficiency;

● hypoxia suffered by the baby during childbirth or during intrauterine development.

A huge number of newborns suffer from intestinal colic. Preventing their appearance is an unbearable task, but it is quite possible to alleviate the torment of the child during the period of adaptation to the conditions of the external environment.

Getting rid of gases

To help the baby get rid of the gases accumulated in the intestines, we do

"Back and forth"

1. Put the child on his back and clasp the baby's legs in the lower leg area with your own hands.

2. We make a movement forward to the tummy, as if slightly pressing on it.

3. We hold the baby's legs in this position for 5 seconds, and then straighten.

4. Repeat 10 times.

Colic massage
Colic massage


1. The child also lies on his back.

2. Make light pressure movements clockwise around the navel with your right / left thumb.

3. Once you have “drawn” the circle, place your left palm on the newborn’s tummy.

4. Your thumb will be on the left half of his belly - here you also need to lightly press on the tummy and make a semicircle.

5. Repeat these steps 5-7 times.


A simple exercise will help to free the intestines from gases - this should be done before each feeding for at least 2-3 minutes. If the child does not want to lie on any surface (crib, changing table, sofa, etc.), then you can lay his tummy on his stomach, so he will be much calmer.

We set up feeding

When feeding, whether bottle or breastfeeding, it is imperative that the baby does not swallow air with milk. If this happens, then the feeding technique is violated - the baby captures only the nipple, but must also capture the areola.

● the baby's lips are wide open;

● the nipple together with the areola is in the mouth;

● there are no extraneous sounds - only the throats are heard.

Every mother should take this procedure as a rule. Even if the feeding technique is followed, newborns can still swallow air with food. That is why, after a meal, the baby must be transferred to an upright state so that he regurgitates the air accumulated in the intestines.

Colic gas
Colic gas

We use medicines

If all of the above methods of getting rid of colic do not help, then perhaps it makes sense to resort to traditional or folk medicine. The following drugs have proven themselves well:

● Plantex;

● Sub Simplex;

● Espumisan;

● Bobotik;

● Decoctions of herbs - fennel, chamomile, dill.

Before you decide to give your child this or that medicine, be sure to consult a pediatrician! You should also be careful with herbal preparations, as the child may develop allergies.

Intestinal colic lasts differently in all newborns, depending on many factors. But, as a rule, they overwhelm both the baby and his parents from three weeks of life to three months.

But I would like to note that one should not rely on the fact that after three months the colic will stop overnight. Everything here is strictly individual. It is necessary to be as patient as possible and help the baby to endure this difficult period of life as painlessly as possible.
