How To Treat Colic In A Newborn

How To Treat Colic In A Newborn
How To Treat Colic In A Newborn

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Very often in newborn babies in the first three months of life, there is such a phenomenon as colic. This is explained by the fact that the stomach enzymes of babies are not completely formed, the intestinal walls contract poorly, as a result of which food moves to it with great difficulty. During colic, the baby is very restless, he screams and randomly bends and unbends his legs. Such attacks can last for several minutes or 2-3 hours. Every mother can relieve the baby's condition with colic.

Most newborns suffer from colic
Most newborns suffer from colic


Step 1

Perfectly stimulates intestinal motility by putting the baby on the tummy before each feeding. Hold it in this position for 10-15 minutes.

Step 2

A mother who is breastfeeding her baby in the first months of his life should exclude foods that increase gas production from her diet. These include cucumbers, grapes, sauerkraut, melons and legumes.

Step 3

If the baby suffers from colic while on artificial feeding, the wrong formula may be the cause of his anxiety. In this case, the mother should consult a pediatrician in order to change the diet, to which the child's body reacts not in the best way, to something else.

Step 4

If colic begins in a baby lying in his crib, the mother can alleviate his suffering by placing her hand on the lower abdomen of the baby, pressing him tightly to the bed. Hand warmth and pressure can relieve pain.

Step 5

A warm compress applied to his tummy will help the baby get rid of the painful sensations caused by colic. As such a compress, you can use a small heating pad filled with warm water, or a flip-flop diaper ironed with a hot iron. Mom should make sure that the compress is not too hot for the delicate skin of the newborn.

Step 6

It also happens that a baby suffering from colic can calm down from water or putting it on the mother's chest.

Step 7

Special herbal teas that reduce gas formation are excellent for treating colic in newborns. They usually include fennel and dill. You can give such funds to a baby, starting from a month.

Step 8

If most methods of treating colic in a newborn are ineffective, the doctor may prescribe special drugs to combat gas formation to eliminate or alleviate them. Their action is aimed at splitting large gas bubbles into small ones. The effect of air on the intestinal wall is weakened and the pain subsides.
