How To Treat Prickly Heat In A Newborn

How To Treat Prickly Heat In A Newborn
How To Treat Prickly Heat In A Newborn

Table of contents:


Miliaria is a skin lesion that occurs mainly in infants. It occurs due to overheating of the child and instantly causes an inflammatory reaction. That is why its fast and timely treatment is necessary.

How to treat prickly heat in a newborn
How to treat prickly heat in a newborn


Step 1

Symptoms The main symptoms of prickly heat in a newborn are multiple punctate rashes of red color and vesicles with transparent contents. The localization of the lesions is extensive. They can be found on the neck, on the abdomen, on the inner surface of the limbs, in the armpits and in all folds. By the way, in the folds of the skin, foci of diaper rash can also be found. It is worth noting that prickly heat does not affect the general condition of the child, itching can occur only in rare cases.

Step 2

Treatment No matter how harmless the symptoms are, prickly heat should be treated. If it is very pronounced, then when bathing the baby in the water, you must add a couple of crystals of potassium permanganate or an infusion of chamomile flowers with a decoction of oak bark.

Step 3

You can try to wash the skin folds with a weak iodine solution, which is prepared as follows: add one drop of iodine to 1 glass of boiled water. After such a procedure, be sure to powder the folds with baby powder.

Step 4

For the treatment of rashes located outside the folds, use a weak soda solution (1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water). The resulting solution using a cotton or gauze swab is used to treat the affected skin.

Step 5

There are also folk remedies that help to cope with prickly heat in a newborn. 3 times a day, one teaspoon is given to the baby to drink a decoction of the herb of pansies. You can prepare it like this: take chopped grass in the amount of one teaspoon, pour it with a glass of water and put it to boil over low heat for 15 minutes

Step 6

Depending on the age of the child, fresh carrot juice is regularly given in one amount or another.

Step 7

Prevention The best in the child is all skin folds and armpits. Air baths are good in hot and stuffy weather. When swaddling a baby, do not forget to wipe his skin with a clean, damp cloth. Daily bathing of the child should become the norm for the mother.
