Colic is very painful for a baby. Due to the spasm, gas accumulates in the intestines and quite severe pain occurs. Long and strained crying exhausts the child and morally torments the mother. Colic occurs even in perfectly healthy children. For the well-being of the crumbs, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent and treat colic.

If the baby is very anxious and screams forcibly, to exclude more dangerous problems, you need to show him to the pediatrician. In the absence of any other pathology, treatment of colic in infants should be started. In addition to a shrill cry, the symptoms of colic are: constipation, absence of gas, legs pressed to the stomach. After the gas passes, the child calms down for a while.
There can be several reasons for the appearance of colic. If not properly applied to the breast, along with the mother's milk, the baby swallows air, which subsequently becomes the cause of colic. Air can enter the baby's stomach if the mother holds the bottle not at an angle, but horizontally. Many mothers, at the slightest cry of the baby, try to give him a breast. This is fraught with overeating and flatulence, which again leads to colic. The diet of a nursing mother plays a significant role.
Prevention of colic
It is better to prevent colic so that you do not have to deal with treatment. Before the next feeding, it is good to lay the baby down with his tummy down on a flat surface. This will help not only to release gas, but also to strengthen the abdominal muscles. After feeding, it is imperative to hold the baby in an upright position and wait for the eructation.
During the day, the child can be given dill water. Special teas for children are sold in pharmacies and shops. They contain fennel to help prevent gas in your baby's intestines. If the child is breastfed, the mother should exclude certain foods from the diet: cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks, onions, coffee, brown bread, etc. The mother herself can also drink teas with fennel, then colic may not be.
If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of colic, then they will have to be treated. The iron-ironed diaper should be placed on the baby's belly. It should be at a comfortable temperature, a little warm. Mom can put the baby on her stomach: this will speed up the passing of gas and soothe the baby. You can gently massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction, with light movements, and then exercise: alternately bend and unbend the legs.
A warm bath combined with a tummy massage will help your baby relax. Before you start giving your baby carminative medications (Espumisan, Bobotik, etc.), you should consult your local pediatrician. The first cause of colic in artificial children is formula milk. It is quite possible that it does not suit the child at all. It is worth replacing the mixture with another.
If all else fails, and the colic only worsens, you can put a gas tube. The tip of the tube should be greased with vegetable oil or baby cream. You can enter it only 1.5 cm, in no case deeper. Gas will soon go away and stool is likely to appear. The smallest rubber bulb will also work for this purpose. You need to cut off the bottom from it, then boil it and use it as a gas outlet pipe.