At first, it seems to a woman in love that this is the way it should be. Here he is, an example of true courage combined with a good character and correct upbringing! But in proportion to the number of days lived together, female irritability in this regard also increases. What to do?

Try to convince your husband that you are his only woman, and mom is mom. And in your adult relationship, she should take the second position.
Never start a conversation about the triangle "you - me - mom" in a raised voice. First, think about what and how you will say, what arguments you will give, with what intonation you will pronounce, etc. In the morning, you can say that in the evening (or tomorrow) you want to have a serious talk (you will need this time yourself). And only in the evening, in the absence of mom, start a conversation.
Do not freak out in silence! Try to concisely and discreetly explain to your husband why his mom and their relationship do not like and why you do not want to see her in your house so often.
Arrange for your husband, promenades, shopping, romantic, whatever, as long as his time was completely loaded by you.
If you notice that your husband speaks in the words of his mom, you do not need to reproach him rudely. Ask politely if he thinks so or is it mom? What does he think?
As they say, listen, but do it your way. So, if the husband is a mama's son, you should listen to everything that the mother-in-law says, nod your head in agreement, but act at your own discretion. Let your husband finally understand that you have your own opinion on all questions!
The most difficult thing for you is to wean your husband from thinking that he is a child. When he learns to make decisions on his own, take responsibility, be responsible for his words, then he will cease to depend on his beloved mother.
Most importantly, be patient! Good luck!