The most common conflict is between parents and children. Your parents, and mainly your mother, is the person who really cares about you, and you shouldn't forget about it! But sometimes there are cases when disagreements go beyond all boundaries, no matter who is the culprit. It is difficult for a mother to forgive in these cases.

Step 1
When you forgive each other, the most important thing is to say why you forgive, otherwise you may not get the desired result. Of course, forgiving is not easy, especially if there are really good reasons. But, if you understand yourself and analyze all your actions, you come to the conclusion that you yourself offend. As a result, you realize that you really need to forgive your mother. This is just a small thing compared to what she did for us!
Step 2
Don't hesitate! To forgive a mother, sometimes just some people do not have the courage to look her in the eyes right away, so they gather for a long time with fortitude, which sometimes can take several days, months, and sometimes years.
Step 3
Place an empty chair in front of you, imagine your mother sitting behind it and talk, talk, talk about your claims and everything she did to you. After you have said everything, it will become easier for you and in the future it will be easier to start a conversation with her in reality.
Step 4
Close your eyes and immediately imagine everything that you like. Imagine that you are busy with what you love, and then tell yourself that none of this would have happened without your mother. Mentally ask your mother for forgiveness for taking offense at her.
Step 5
Imagine yourself in her role, feel the position of your mother. It is possible that you will see the current situation from a completely different angle.