A wedding is one of the most significant events in the life of every person. Preparing for a family celebration alone takes a tremendous amount of time and effort. Race to shops, beauty salons, search for a photographer - all this cannot be avoided, but for a start it would be nice to notify your own relatives about your decision to register a marriage.

Step 1
Do you love each other and cannot imagine your future life alone? This is a sure sign that it's time for a couple in love to get married. If you are old enough, your parents are well acquainted with your significant other, and every evening tea drinking with mom’s pies and dad’s fishing stories has already become a habit, everything is not so scary. Come home and report with blissful faces that you cannot live without each other. It is done. You can continue to drink tea, listen to instructions on how to protect and respect each other. At the end of the evening, everyone hugs, the groom sees off the newly-made bride home (or he goes home himself, if the action took place at the future mother-in-law with the father-in-law). Nice script. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Step 2
If you're under 19, announcing an upcoming wedding can shock any sane parent. But what if, despite your young age, you still cannot live without each other? First, think and answer honestly to yourself, how long have you known your passion. If this is the fourth guy (girl) in a week that you are going to marry (marry), then there is only one piece of advice - wait. Maybe by Friday Vova won't be so beautiful, smart and charming, or Seryozha's business …
Step 3
But if everything is serious and forever - go for it. Maybe dad doesn’t have his favorite belt at hand (which doesn’t happen in life ?!). Lamentations and admonitions, of course, cannot be avoided. But here you can understand the parents, after all, not every day a beloved child decides to take such a responsible step. The main thing is not to start tantrums, not stamp your feet, but try to seem like adults. We must act persistently and slowly. In the end, the parents will get tired of resisting, and they will change their anger to mercy. Then endless negotiations will begin about who and where will live, which of the relatives should be honored with an invitation to such an important event, and much more. But that will be a completely different story. You did your job - you informed your parents about the wedding and remained safe and sound.