It is not for nothing that the song is sung: “Mom is the first word. The main word in every destiny”. Mom is the closest person who will always support and help, no matter what. Unfortunately, people do not understand this right away.

There is no person on Earth closer than a mother. Even the fact that she's the only one who knows you 9 months longer than everyone else already says a lot.
Mom gave life, love, care. She did not sleep at night when you were sick as a child. She worried about you in difficult times and is still proud of your achievements.
Don't hurt mom
Unfortunately, people begin to understand their mother only at an older age. In childhood, excessive care and anxiety, constant calls and questions: “Where are you? When will you be? " In adolescence, it seems that the mother is not able to understand the feelings of unrequited love or some kind of failure. They take offense at her encouraging: "Don't worry, everything will be fine." And only when they themselves stand on their feet, have their own family, children, then they begin to understand how ungrateful and sometimes rude they were.
But mom just needs to say: “Thank you. I love you"
The main thing is attention
Even if you don't understand your mother right away, it's never too late to thank her. Mom doesn't need expensive gifts, the latest phone models, trips to hot countries. Although, if you can afford it - why not.
Just show a little more attention, take care of her as she once did for you, make her feel that you truly love her.
Wake up early, brew her favorite coffee or make delicious tea, make breakfast. Let it be a simple scrambled eggs and a couple of toasts - mom will definitely appreciate your impulse.
Put a chocolate bar in her bag when she reaches for her phone or wallet, she will be very pleased. You can attach a cute note to wish you a good day, or draw a smiley face right on the wrapper.
Meet your mom after work, give her a flower, or just help with a bag and bags from the store. Take a walk on the way home, wondering how her day went.
And on the weekend, arrange a family vacation - go skiing out of town, in the summer you can have a picnic in the fresh air, fly a kite, returning to childhood. Go to a cafe or movie with the whole family.
The best gift is DIY
Make surprises for no reason. Bring a bouquet of wildflowers after a vacation out of town with friends. Buy a beautiful neckerchief while shopping. Even a simple cleaning of the house before mom arrives will delight her and free her evening or even a day off.
Not sure how to please on your birthday or just on gray days? Bake something yourself. Make a framed photobook or collage of your baby photos with parents present. Then have an evening of memories.
And do not be stingy once again to say that you love her. Only three words, but none of your gifts can replace them.