Healthy sleep is part of a good mood and good health, isn't it? Why are young mothers so exhausted, tired and drooping? Because they do not get enough sleep, do not have time for anything and are busy all the time with the baby. Everyone says that a mother needs to sleep day and night with her baby in order to quickly recover from childbirth and adapt to a new role. Mom doesn't mind, but the kids don't sleep. Daytime sleep is interrupted by crying and nighttime feedings, however, there are many tips on how to improve your baby's sleep. Try it!

Childcare encyclopedia, humidifiers, night light, toy, pajamas, fairy tale book, endless patience and love
Step 1
Fresh air has a beneficial effect on a person's sleep. Walk longer, ventilate the room well. It is difficult to fall asleep in a stuffy and dusty room, sleep becomes disturbing. If the air is too dry, get a humidifier or indoor fountain. During the period when the heating is turned on in the houses, most children have a runny nose - the body does not have time to get used to the change in air. To make breathing easier and freshen up the room, take a bath towel, wet it well, wring it lightly and hang it on the door or on the radiator.
Step 2
Set up a place to sleep. If the baby sleeps in the crib, then nothing should bother him. That is, no squeaky coloring toys should be in bed. An exception may be one object, namely a doll or a bear, with which the child sleeps. Moreover, he sleeps every day, and the toy becomes a prerequisite in preparing for bed.
Step 3
Sleepwear. The child should not overheat or freeze in a dream, this is the first thing. And secondly, the clothes in which the baby sleeps should not be used during the day. You don't have to buy pajamas, you can sleep in your favorite T-shirt or undershirt. Choose a blanket in accordance with the season, do not wrap the child or hinder his movements.
Step 4
Lighting. At night it is better to use a night light with soft diffusing light, it is expensive to turn on large chandeliers, and without light, at a certain period, children are simply afraid to sleep. During the day, you can draw the curtains, for the baby it will be like a "bell" that it's time for a quiet hour.
Step 5
Silence. You can not mention the night, not a single normal person will get enough sleep if someone is making noise. The situation with daytime sleep is controversial. All children are different, you can talk, go about your business, watch TV, and the child will sleep. And other parents sit like mice while the child sleeps. Both options are not entirely correct, but if you combine it, it will turn out great.
Step 6
The waking time should be intense, active games, dressing up, feeding, funny songs, dances and a whole bag of fun. A tired child falls asleep easily. Babies sleep peacefully when all their needs are met. Check that the baby is full, dressed and calm.
Step 7
Create a bedtime tradition. It includes daily rituals such as taking a bath, a glass of warm milk, a kind story read by mom, a favorite plush toy close by. This makes it easier to tune in to rest. In the evening, an hour and a half before bedtime, do not let the child "get mad", an overexcited baby will become capricious faster than fall asleep.